March 24 1998
SUBJECT: | 1998-99 Staff Affirmative Action Training Program, Call for Vice Chancellor and Departmental Applications |
I am pleased to announce the call for Vice Chancellor unit and departmental
applications for the 1998-99 fiscal year. Annually, we seek to fund
several projects (last year, eight projects were funded with a total
allocation of $80,900). The implementation of the Staff Affirmative Action
Training Program will be in compliance with
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action requirements and other applicable UC
Vice Chancellor units, departments, or departments in collaboration with
other departments are invited to submit applications for funds to support
departmental training and development programs which will
enhance the job skills of targeted employees. The proposed activity must
benefit at least three individuals and must reflect supplemental funding in
the total funds requested. The program may be utilized to:
I. Provide on-the-job training by placing participants in
temporary positions (i.e., casual or internship) or by
creating temporary positions for the participants, or
II. Enhance the skills of participants to prepare them for career
Requirements, selection criteria, and the application form are attached.
Vice Chancellor units and departments must submit the application form to
Human Resources - Equal Opportunity/Staff
Affirmative Action, Mail Code 0923, no later than Monday, April 27, 1998.
The Staff Affirmative Action Training Program Committee will review the
applications and send notification letters of their decisions on funding by
the end of June 1998.
If you have questions, please call Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative
Action at extension 45717.
Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor -
Business Affairs |
1. Requests for funds must be received no later than Monday,
April 27, 1998.
2. In the event more information is needed, the Training Program
Committee may ask Vice Chancellor units and departments for
clarification or to provide a brief presentation to the
3. The proposed activity must benefit at least three individuals.
Collaboration of departments is allowed to ensure that at
least three individuals benefit from the proposed program.
4. The proposed activity must occur during the period ofJuly 1, 1998
through June 30, 1999.
5. All funds must be expended by June 30, 1999.
6. Please attach a sample copy of your program's participant
evaluation form to your application. (A draft copy is
acceptable.) Please ask specific and measurable questions of
your program participants, including the following:
I. Identify your personal goals relative to this program.
II. What skills were obtained and valued in relationship to the
personal goals identified?
III. What one thing would you change for next year?
7. If submitting an application for a program that was funded by
this Committee last year, please submit a preliminary program
evaluation for 1997-98 along with your application by April
27, 1998. (See the Committee's request for year-end program
evaluation information in #8 below.)
8. The year-end evaluation for 1997-98 programs is due by August
31, 1998. In the program evaluation, the Committee would like
to see the instructor or program coordinator: link the goals
of the participants directly to the training or program
provided; analyze the participant evaluations; and identify
successful aspects of the program as well as improvements that
can be made for the next year. Please provide a list of
program participant's names and employee id numbers to track
their career progression at UCSD.
A combination of the following factors will be considered by the
Committee during the review process.
1. Are there sufficient anticipated openings to allow reasonable
chance for promotion or transfer of the participants?
2. Is the proposed program part of an attainable career plan for
promotion or career change of the participants?
3. What supplemental funding sources or resources will the
department contribute for training the participants?
4. Have Staff Affirmative Action Training Program funds been
allocated previously to the department? If so, the program
evaluation submitted in accordance with Requirement #7 above
will be used in the evaluation of the application.
University of California, San Diego
1998-99 Staff Affirmative Action Training Funds
Vice Chancellor Unit or Departmental Application
Please type or print clearly. Please review the requirements and
selection criteria closely.
# Vice Chancellor unit or Department(s):
Mail Code:
# Contact Person:
# Electronic Mail Address:
1. Title of Program:
2. Summary of Proposed Activity:
3. Objective of Proposed Activity / Anticipated Goals of the
Program Participants:
4. Anticipated Number of Staff to be Served:
Collaboration of departments is allowed to ensure that at least three
individuals benefit from the proposed program.
If known, list names and titles of employees:
5. Training Methods to be Utilized. Describe the type of courses
to be taught or topics that will be covered.
6. Describe how you will measure the effectiveness of the
Program. Describe how the Program will meet participants’
goals and how your year-end program evaluation will measure
that. (Attach a sample copy of your program’s participant
evaluation form.)
7. Total Funds Requested:
Please attach an itemized budget (see sample below), including all
supplemental funding sources.
Item Cost Total
Instructor's Fees 2 @ $2,000, 4 @ $500 $6,000
Training Materials 6 @ $ 100 $ 600
Printing/Publicity 6 @ $ 100 $ 600
Addressing Services/Mailing 6 @ $ 150 $ 900
Audio/Visual Charges 6 @ $ 50 $ 300
Less: Supplemental Funding $8,400 -(3,400)
Total Amount Requested $5,000
* Application should not exceed five pages including the copy of the
program’s participant evaluation form.
* Attach your preliminary program evaluation, if funded last year.
Please send 12 copies to:
Patty Arnett
Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action, Mail Code 0923
No later than Monday, April 27, 1998 |