University of California, San Diego


April 7, 1998


SUBJECT:    1998/99 Instructional Improvement Proposal Call

I am pleased to announce the availability of funding to support faculty
efforts to improve undergraduate instruction. Proposals will be
reviewed by the Committee on Instructional Improvement, and the
final allocation decisions will be made by the Senior Vice Chancellor -
Academic Affairs.

For this next allocation period, the committee intends to set aside a
substantial fraction of the allocation funds for consideration of one or two
large proposals ($30K-$40K) which may have a more significant impact at the
program, department, or divisional levels than the typical small individual
proposals that have been funded in the recent past in the $1K-$3K level.
Faculty are encouraged to work within their units to develop more
comprehensive strategies which might improve undergraduate instruction.
Interdisciplinary proposals are welcome. On a competitive basis, many
of the smaller individual proposals will continue to be funded.

The committee encourages any improvement in existing instructional programs,
including courses, curricula, and instructional processes, as well as the
development of interdisciplinary courses and programs. Faculty experiments
with new technologies or new approaches are welcome. The committee is
dedicated to promoting any increase in the personal contact between
ladder-rank faculty and students, and proposals that affect many students,
particularly at the entering level.

Awards will be made in the form of grants for development expense, including,
but not limited to, material costs, summer student support, and support for
technical assistance.

The application deadline is Monday, May 11, 1998. The committee hopes to
announce awards by June 1, 1998, with funding available July 1, 1998. An
application form is attached for distribution and duplication purposes.
Additional applications are available from Julia Rieber (x4-0097,
jrieber@ucsd.edu). Please feel free to contact any of the committee members
below with any questions or concerns.

David R. Miller
Associate Vice Chancellor
for Academic Planning
and Programs


Committee Members:
Provost Tom Bond, Revelle College (Co-Chair)
Director Sherman George, Media Center
Professor Robert B. Horwitz, Communication
Provost Cecil Lytle, Thurgood Marshall College
Associate Vice Chancellor David R. Miller, Ex-Officio
Associate Dean Anthony Sebald, Jacobs School of Engineering (Co-Chair)
Professor Cynthia M. Truant, History
Undergraduate Student Jessyca Wallace
Senior Lecturer Gabriele Wienhausen, Biology

Remit to Julia Rieber, mail code 0001, no later than 5:00 p.m.,
May 11, 1998 Electronic submission to jrieber@ucsd.edu is
acceptable if forwarded from the Department Chair’s office
signifying the Chair’s approval.


Name Title Department Phone

Name Title Department Phone

PROJECT TITLE:________________________________________________

DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Please attach a description of the project.
It must contain a statement of the problem, the objectives of the proposal
and the intellectual impact, the plan for achieving the objectives, and an
evaluation plan.


Number that will be affected: __________

Upper Division Students: __________

Lower Division Students: __________


Funds committed from an alternate source: $____________

Name of Source:_______________________________________

Personnel Costs: (List each additional individual separately. Please
consult your department’s Management Service Officer to obtain exact

Payroll title and step: ________________________
Annual salary: $__________
Percent time on project: ______________________
Period of time on project: ___________________
Supplies and expenses: $__________
Travel: $__________
Other: $__________

TOTAL REQUEST: $__________


Department Chair Date

[Chairs are invited to forward a brief endorsement statement which may
be sent via email to jrieber@ucsd.edu.]