June 26, 1998
SUBJECT: | Call for Proposals -- Funds for Distance Delivery of Undergraduate Courses -- California Virtual University (CVU) |
I am pleased to announce the availability of funding to assist faculty in
the development of courses with a distance education component that can be
made available through the California Virtual University (CVU). Subject to
approval of the Legislature, the 1998-99 Governor’s budget includes $1
million in one-time funds to the University of California for CVU course
development, and the specific allocation to the UCSD campus is expected to
be $109K. This allocation is specifically designed to develop
undergraduate courses that can be taken in a distributed format. Campuses
will be required to provide a dollar or in-kind match for any funds awarded.
Campuses have been invited to submit proposals for CVU course development
to the Office of the President (OP) by October 1, 1998. Campuses are
expected to identify grant recipients through a competitive process and
forward their recommendations to OP for final approval prior to the release
of these funds. UCSD proposals will be reviewed by the Committee on
Instructional Improvement, and the Committee intends to select one or
possibly two large proposals for a total of $109K. Faculty are encouraged
to work within their units to develop undergraduate courses that include a
significant distance learning component that can be delivered through the
internet, videotapes, CD-ROMs, etc. All proposed CVU courses must be
offered for credit.
The campus deadline for submission of CVU proposals is Monday, September
14, 1998. This is a firm deadline, as the Committee on Instructional
Improvement must complete the review and selection process by October 1,
1998. Guidelines and an application form are attached for distribution and
duplication purposes. Additional applications are available from Julia
Rieber (X4-0097; Please feel free to contact me
(X-43131; or Bonnie Horstmann (X-22042; with questions or concerns.
David R. Miller
Associate Vice Chancellor
Academic Planning and Programs |
Enclosures (3) -- enclosures appear below and are also included as ATTACHMENTS
c: M. Chandler, SVCAA
D. Fanestil, Academic Senate Chair
J. Goodkind, Academic Senate Vice Chair
B. Horstmann, Director, Program Planning
Members, Committee on Instructional Improvement
**Submit to Julia Rieber, mail code 0001, no later than 4:30 p.m., Monday,
September 14, 1998.**
[E-mail submission to is acceptable if forwarded from the
Dept. Chair’s office, signifying Chair’s approval.]
Name Title Department Phone/e-mail address
Name Title Department Phone/e-mail address
Existing Course _________; or New Course Under Development _________
(check one of the above; new courses must be approved by CEP Subcommittee on UG Courses)
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Please attach a description of the course and the
proposed distance delivery method, the objectives of the proposal and the
curricular needs to be met, the plan for achieving course objectives, the
means for opportunities for interaction among students and between students
and faculty, and an evaluation plan (see “Guidelines for Application,”
Office of the President, 4/98).
STUDENTS: Number that will be affected: _______
Upper Division Students: _______ Lower Division Students:_______
Proposed method to meet matching requirement: alternate funding source
and/or in-kind contributions (please describe):
$_________ Name of funding source:___________________________________
COSTS: (For personnel costs, list each additional individual separately.
Please consult your department’s Management Service Officer to obtain exact
Payroll title and step: ______________________________________
Annual salary: $_____________
Percent time on project: ______________________________
Period of time on project: _____________________________
Project salary requirement: $__________
SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES: ______________________________ $__________
Other (please describe):
APPROVAL REQUIRED:_________________________________ _________________
Date Department Chair
[Chairs are invited to forward a brief statement of endorsement that may beDate
sent via e-mail c/o]
Office of the President
April 1998
The 1998-99 Governor’s budget includes $1 million in one-time funds to the
University of California to assist faculty in the development of courses
that can be accessed through the California Virtual University. This
allocation from the state is specifically designed to develop undergraduate
courses that can be taken in a distributed format. As a general principle,
all courses to be funded must include a significant distance component that
can be delivered through the internet, videotapes, CD-ROMs, etc. The
following guidelines have been developed for the award of these funds.
Process for Awarding Funds
The primary locus for decisions about funding will take place at the campus
level based on grant proposals submitted in a campus competition. Campuses
will determine the nature of the grant process based on these guidelines.
In an effort to avoid duplication and ensure a broad representation of all
disciplines, the Office of the President will assist in coordination of
awards. Campuses should select and rank the proposals they recommend and
forward them to the Office of the President for final funding approval
prior to release of the funds. The campus’s
recommended proposals should be provided to the Office of the President no
later than October 1, 1998.
Matching Funds
The budget language authorizing these funds requires a matching component.
Campuses will need to provide funds to match their allocation on a
one-to-one basis. These matching funds may be in the form of in-kind
contributions as well as dollars. Hence, equipment, expertise, or time
provided by faculty may be considered part of the campus match. In
addition, campus programs for instructional improvement or federal grants
would be an appropriate source of matching funds.
Senate Approval of Courses
All courses to be developed will need to be approved by the Academic Senate
using the standard campus procedures. It is recommended that a
representative from the appropriate committee(s) participate in the course
development and proposal review processes.
Guidelines for Proposals
The Office of the President, in consultation with the Vice Chancellors and
the Academic Senate, has developed the following systemwide guidelines for
-- Priority will be given to proposals that fit with the overall planning
efforts on each campus and that meet particular curricular needs. This
might include courses that are over enrolled on the campus, courses with
very large enrollments, service courses, courses that are part of a
sequence that is often disrupted, and/or courses that are bottlenecks for
certain majors. Alternatively, these grant funds might help develop a new
curricular offering that takes campuses in a direction consistent with
current academic plans.
-- It is expected that all courses will adhere to the Principles of Good
Practice for Distance Education suggested by WICHE (Western Cooperative for
Educational Telecommunications).
-- Courses using distributed learning methodologies are more successful if
they incorporate means for students and faculty to interact. Hence,
proposals should attend specifically to the opportunities for interaction
among students and between students and faculty.
-- Courses should present innovative methodologies in design, delivery and
assessment, innovations which explore and exploit the possibilities of the
technological medium being used.
-- Collaboration across campuses or between different units on a campus is
Proposals should include an evaluation plan which would enable measurement
of outcomes, identification of efficiencies achieved, if any, and
documentation of the effort required to develop and deliver the course. The
Office of the President will be working with grantees on an overall
evaluation of the courses.
Target Audiences
The primary target audience for these courses will be current students,
enrolled at any UC campus. Some of the courses proposed might also be made
available to students who are eligible to attend the University of
California, such as admitted high school students. In addition, courses
developed through this grant proposal would be expected to be made
available for concurrent enrollment through Extension, on a space-available
basis and with the usual requirements for appropriate permission from
instructors, etc. Campus approvals which allow concurrent enrollment should
be part of the final course approval process.
Use of Funds
Given the array of methodologies and the broad disciplinary arenas that
might be part of course proposals, only broad guidelines for the use of
funds are suggested. In general, supporting small teams of individuals with
a range of expertise will probably be part of most proposals. Given the
very limited funding, it is probably not appropriate to purchase equipment,
although certain types of material or equipment, such as equipment to
produce CD-ROMS, might be critical to a proposed learning experience. The
campus, after reading the proposal, is best able to decide on the
appropriateness of the budget for a given project.
WESTERN COOPERATIVE for Educational Telecommunications
Principles of Good Practice for Electronically Offered
Academic Degree and Certificate Programs
These Principles are the product of a Western Cooperative for Educational
Telecommunications project, Balancing Quality and Access: Reducing State
Policy Barriers to Electronically Delivered Higher Education Programs. The
three-year project, supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Fund
for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, is designed to foster an
interstate environment that encourages the electronic provision of quality
higher education programs across state lines. The Principles have been
developed by a group representing the Western states' higher education
regulating agencies, higher education institutions, and the regional
accrediting community.
Recognizing that the context for learning in our society is undergoing
profound changes, those charged with developing the Principles have tried
not to tie them to or compare them to traditional campus structures. The
Principles are also designed to be sufficiently flexible that institutions
offering a range of programs--from graduate degrees to certificates--will
find them useful.
Several assumptions form the basis for these Principles:
-- The electronically offered program is provided by or through an
institution that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting body.
-- The institution's programs holding specialized accreditation meet the
same requirements when offered electronically.
-- The "institution" may be a traditional higher education institution, a
consortium of such institutions, or another type of organization or entity.
-- These Principles address programs rather than individual courses.
-- It is the institution's responsibility to review educational programs
it provides via technology in terms of its own internally applied
definitions of these Principles.
-- Each program of study results in learning outcomes appropriate to the
rigor and breadth of the degree or certificate awarded.
-- An electronically offered degree or certificate program is coherent and
-- The program provides for appropriate real-time or delayed interaction
between faculty and students and among students.
-- Qualified faculty provide appropriate oversight of the program
electronically offered.
Role and Mission
-- The program is consistent with the institution's role and mission.
-- Review and approval processes ensure the appropriateness of the
technology being used to meet the program's objectives.
Faculty Support
-- The program provides faculty support services specifically related to
teaching via an electronic system.
-- The program provides training for faculty who teach via the use of
Resources for Learning
-- The program ensures that appropriate learning resources are available
to students.
Students and Student Services
-- The program provides students with clear, complete, and timely
information on the curriculum, course and degree requirements, nature of
faculty/student interaction, assumptions about technological competence and
skills, technical equipment requirements, availability of academic support
services and financial aid resources, and costs and payment policies.
-- Enrolled students have reasonable and adequate access to the range of
student services appropriate to support their learning.
-- Accepted students have the background, knowledge, and technical skills
needed to undertake the program.
-- Advertising, recruiting, and admissions materials clearly and
accurately represent the program and the services available.
Commitment to Support
-- Policies for faculty evaluation include appropriate consideration of
teaching and scholarly activities related to electronically offered programs.
-- The institution demonstrates a commitment to ongoing support, both
financial and technical, and to continuation of the program for a period
sufficient to enable students to complete a degree/certificate.
-- The institution evaluates the program's educational effectiveness,
including assessments of student learning outcomes, student retention, and
student and faculty satisfaction. Students have access to such program
evaluation data.
-- The institution provides for assessment and documentation of student
achievement in each course and at completion of the program.
Please e-mail inquiries or comments to
WCET Home Page
Updated 2/20/96 |