University of California, San Diego


September 14, 1998

ALL AT UCSD (including UCSD Medical Center)

SUBJECT:    Year 2000 Campus Committee

We are just over a year away from January 1, 2000. As you may have heard,
the millennium date change may cause service outages for a variety of
computers and for other automated systems, such as electric utilities
and lab instruments.

Many campus units have already addressed or begun to address the issues
(often known as Y2K problems). However, in order to provide the campus
community with reliable information and with a single point of contact, we
have established a UCSD Year 2000 committee, chaired by Assistant Vice
Chancellor Elazar Harel. The committee will address campuswide Y2K
planning issues and will provide us with timely and pertinent information.
Following is a list of the committee members, along with their email

  Ed Babakanian, Medical Center, mailto:ebabakanian@ucsd.edu
  Rich Backer, Student Affairs, mailto:rbacker@ucsd.edu
  Sally Brainerd, Business & Financial Svcs., mailto:sbrainerd@ucsd.edu
  Tom Collins, SIO, mailto:tcollins@ucsd.edu
  Liz Floyd, ABA and Communication Dept, mailto:efloyd@ucsd.edu
  Elazar Harel, ACT, mailto:eharel@ucsd.edu
  Roger Meyer, SOM, mailto:rmeyer@ucsd.edu
  Jim Napier, SOE, mailto:jnapier@ucsd.edu
  Ken Popp, ACT, mailto:kpopp@ucsd.edu
  Mort Shayegan, Physical Plant (PPS), mailto:mshayegan@ucsd.edu
  Dick Siegel, Internal Audit, mailto:rsiegel@ucsd.edu
  Scott Wilson, EH&S and EOC, mailto:swilson@ucsd.edu

Given the decentralized and complex nature of our campus, it is practically
impossible to assure that all issues are addressed and resolved. However,
I believe that by increasing awareness to the issues and by providing the
necessary information, we can and will minimize the magnitude and impact of
these problems. I encourage you, therefore, to review the information and
to directly contact the committee members if and when you have Y2K-related
questions. Much of the information is already available on the Web at the
following sites:

  UCSD's official Year 2000 Web site: http://y2k.ucsd.edu
  Campus notice, 2/4/1998: http://hyundai.ucsd.edu/notices/98/98.02.04
  Campus notice, 6/27/1997: http://hyundai.ucsd.edu/notices/97/
Thank you.

Robert C. Dynes