January 11, 1999
SUBJECT: | Distribution of Invention Net Royalties for Research Support Under Patent Policy |
On October 1, 1997, a new UC Patent Policy ("97 Policy") came into effect
for new inventions disclosed to the university on or after that date. All
prior inventions are covered by the former UC Patent Policy ("85 Policy").
The 97 Policy mandates that, on a case-by-case basis, 15% of the net
royalties (after direct legal and licensing costs and royalty-sharing with
non-UC entities) be used to support research on campus.
The UCSD Technology Transfer Advisory Committee ("TTAC") met several times
in the last few months to consider the following issues:
1. How the 15% of the net royalties mandated under the 97 Policy for campus
research should be distributed; and
2. How to provide equity for inventions that were made before October 1,
1997 and hence are covered by the 85 Policy which has a higher royalty
rate, but no specific distribution mandate for research support.
After consulting with the Academic Senate and San Diego campus
administrators, I have approved the following TTAC recommendations for the
distribution of net royalties accrued in FY98 and in future fiscal years
usually in November following the close of each fiscal year:
1. For each invention with positive net royalties covered by the 97 Policy,
fifteen percent (15%) of the net royalties shall be distributed to support
research on campus;
2. For each invention with positive net royalties covered by the 85 Policy,
nine percent (9%) of the net royalties shall be distributed to support
research on campus;
3. The royalties to be distributed to support research on campus under
either the 85 Policy or the 97 Policy shall be split in a 60/40 ratio with
the 60% to the inventor's UCSD laboratory and the 40% to the inventor's
UCSD academic unit;
4. The "inventor's UCSD academic unit" mentioned in 3 above shall be the
immediate administrative unit that directly supported the inventor's work
from which the invention derived; and
5. If the inventor should leave or has already left UCSD, the 60% that is
to be distributed to the inventor's UCSD laboratory shall default to the
inventor's UCSD academic unit.
I have authorized the UCSD Technology Transfer Office to implement these
recommendations immediately. If you have questions concerning the
distributions, please contact the UCSD Technology Transfer Office.
Robert C. Dynes
Chancellor |