January 12, 1999
ALL AT UCSD (Including Medical Center)
SUBJECT: | Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program 1999-2000 Call for Individual Proposals for Funds |
I am pleased to announce the call for individual proposals for Staff
Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program funds for the 1999-2000 fiscal
year. This program provides individual awards, up to $500, for training
opportunities for career employees seeking a promotion or career change
who meet performance evaluation requirements, have completed their
probationary period, and submit a complete application. All applicants
will be considered without regard to gender or ethnicity.
One of UCSD's objectives is to increase diversity in career positions.
The implementation of the Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program is
one method by which this objective may be achieved. This year, the Staff
Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program Committee, formerly Staff
Affirmative Action Training Program Committee, is targeting employees
who are interested in one of the following job titles:
MSP Manager
Assistant, Associate, or Senior Development Engineer
Prin. Administrative Analyst I
Administrative Analyst
Senior Administrative Analyst
___ Assistant I, II, or III
Staff Research Associate I, II, III, or IV
Programmer Analyst I, II, III, or IV
Student Affairs Officer III or IV
Program Representative I, II, or III
Computer Resource Specialist I or II
Senior or Prin. Electronic Technician
Lab Assistant I or II
Senior Animal Technician
Lead Custodian
Development Technician II, III, or IV
Please note: The Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program Committee
asks applicants to seek funding from their departments for the proposed
training activity prior to submitting a proposal.
Career employees, who aspire to work in any of the job titles listed
above and who meet the requirements, are encouraged to apply. Please
thoroughly review the attached requirements and selection criteria. If
eligible, submit 12 copies of the completed proposal to Human Resources-
Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action, mail code 0923, no later
than Monday, April 26, 1999.
The Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program Committee will review the
proposals and send notification letters of their decisions on funding by
the end of June 1999. The implementation of the Staff Equal Opportunity
Enrichment Program will be in compliance with equal opportunity/
affirmative action requirements and other applicable UC policies.
Please direct questions to Patty Arnett at Equal Opportunity/Staff
Affirmative Action at extension 46466.
Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor -
Business Affairs |
* Applicants must be career employees interested in a promotion or
career change to one of the targeted job titles.
* Applicants must have completed their probationary period.
* Applicant's most recent performance evaluation rating must be "met
expectations" or better.
* The proposed activity must occur during the period of July 1, 1999
through June 30, 2000. Activities that begin before July 1, 1999 will
not be considered.
* Only requests for tuition/registration fees and books/materials will
be considered up to $500. (Do not include parking, insurance, meals,
lodging, transportation, membership dues, conference fees or health
* Applicants are required to seek funding from their departments prior
to submission of their proposal.
* Deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, April 26, 1999.
Proposals must be complete and accurate.
All awarded funds must be expended or committed by March 31, 2000. Any
unused funds will be forfeited. An evaluation form, evidence of
successful completion, and original receipts for committee approved
training activities must be submitted, along with the reimbursement
form, upon completion of the awarded activity and no later than
June 1, 2000 in order to receive reimbursement by June 30, 2000.
1. Does the applicant aspire to one of the targeted job titles?
2. Does the proposal relate directly to the aspired position?
3. Is the proposal part of an attainable career plan for promotion or
career change?
4. Have staff program funds been allocated previously to the applicant?
If so, the evaluation of the previously awarded activity will be used
in consideration of this proposal.
5. Has the applicant sought funding from their department; were other
funding sources sought as well?
6. Is the applicant pursuing an advanced degree?
NOTE: Higher priority will be given to applicants who have not yet
attained a Bachelors or advanced degree.
Suggestions on career planning:
* Check the UCSD Job Bulletin for job openings and samples of job
descriptions. Refer to website:
* Register for UCSD Career Connection and receive help in completing
your own career development plan. E-mail, call 534-5717,
or refer to website:
* Seek advice from your supervisor. Your supervisor can assist you in
examining your strengths and skill needs.
* Consider UCSD training opportunities and resources, such as Staff
Education & Development or Extension.
* Call for specific information regarding job interests that you may
have at UCSD:
Grace Balch 534-4890 Staff Education and Development
Claude Rowe, III 534-0282 Professional Recruitment/Community
Ann Skinner 220-5089 UCSD Healthcare Human Resources at
University of California, San Diego
1999-2000 Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program
Individual Proposal for Funds
Please type or print clearly. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted.
Payroll Title:
Working Title (if different):
Electronic Mail Address:
Mail Code:
Social Security #:
Employee I.D. #:
1. Length of employment at UCSD: Years: Months:
2. Do you currently hold degrees or certificates? __ YES ___ NO
If yes, check as applicable:
__ AA __ Bachelor's __ Master's __ Ph.D. __ Certificate
in: _____________________________
3a. Payroll title to which you aspire in the short term (1 - 3 years):
3b. If different from your short term goal, payroll title to which you
aspire in the long term (3+ years):
4. Write a brief description of your current job duties:
While courses may be taken at any institution, UCSD courses are
encouraged, i.e., UCSD Extension, UCSD Staff Education & Development,
UCSD Healthcare Training & Development. Funding will not be provided
for items such as conference fees or membership dues. For UCSD courses,
please show the discounted fee (25% discount for Extension tuition up to
$100 per quarter, or 66% discount for UCSD general catalog courses using
a TJAC form).
5. Write a brief description of the proposed activity and expected
Course Title:
Offering Institution:
No. of units (if applicable):
Course Description:
Date(s) of training course(s)/activity:
Note: Courses that begin before 7/1/99 will not be considered.
Tuition/Registration Fee-Full Cost of Course $
Less discount (for applicable UCSD courses) $( )
Books/Materials $
Less: Departmental reimbursement $( )
Personal funds $( )
Total Amount Requested for this activity $
(Please submit #5, course information, separately for each training
6. Total of funds requested for all training activities: $ __________
(not to exceed $500)
7. Funding source(s) sought: Your department: Amount: $____________
Was it approved? __ YES ___ NO
If no, please explain why:
Other sources: ____________________________ Amount: $____________
Was it funded? __ YES ___ NO
8a. Are you working toward a degree? __ YES ___ NO
If yes, please check: __ AA __ Bachelor's __ Master's __ Ph.D.
and indicate major: Major:
8b. Are you working toward a certificate program? __ YES ___ NO
Please indicate area of emphasis:
9a. Have you attended the Career Connection Career Planning workshop?
__ YES ___ NO
9b. If not, would you like information about UCSD Career Connection?
__ YES ___ NO
10. How would the proposed activity improve your opportunities for a
promotion or career change? (Please indicate how the proposed
training activity relates to your short- and long-term objectives.)
NOTE: This response is very important.
11. How did you learn about the Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment
I certify that I have completed my probationary period and received a
current performance evaluation of "met expectations" or better.
___________________________________________________ ________________
Signature of Applicant Date
___________________________________________________ ________________
Signature of Supervisor Date
(if training is during work hours)
Please send 12 copies of your completed proposal to:
Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action
Attn: Patty Arnett at mail code 0923
DUE DATE: All proposals must be received no later than
Monday, April 26, 1999.
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