University of California, San Diego


January 26, 1999


SUBJECT:    Colloquium on General Education at UCSD Friday, February 5, 1999, 9:00 am - 1:30 pm, IR&PS Robinson Auditorium & UCSD Faculty Club

I am writing to encourage your attendance at the half-day Colloquium on
General Education at UCSD, to be held Friday, February 5, 1999, at
9:00 a.m., in the IR&PS Robinson Auditorium. The program is described
below. Faculty who attend the Colloquium are also cordially invited to
a luncheon at the UCSD Faculty Club, courtesy of Academic Affairs. Since
seating in the Faculty Club Lounge is limited, if you plan to attend the
Colloquium and you wish to make a reservation for lunch, please send your
request via e-mail BY 12:00 NOON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, to:

Julia Rieber, Academic Affairs: jrieber@ucsd.edu (or by phone to: X4-0097)

Luncheon reservations will be confirmed by Thursday, February 4.

In addition to the keynote address by Professor Donald Kennedy, the
Colloquium will feature two panels -- one consisting of a group of
outstanding UCSD alumni from the five undergraduate colleges, and a
second panel including new and relatively new UCSD faculty . Please
join us for the Colloquium and contribute to the discussions during each
portion of the program, as the campus focuses on General Education
curricular issues and plans for Sixth College.

Marsha A. Chandler
Senior Vice Chancellor
Academic Affairs

> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Friday, February 5, 1999, 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
IR&PS Robinson Auditorium

8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Registration (coffee and juice will be served)
        IR&PS Robinson Auditorium Lobby

9:00 a.m.    Opening Remarks and Introduction of Speaker
        Chancellor Robert C. Dynes

         "Planning About Undergraduate Education," by
         Donald Kennedy (Stanford University)
         Bing Professor of Environmental Science
         Co-Director, Stanford Center for Environmental Science
         & Policy
         President emeritus, Stanford University

10:10 a.m.   "General Education -- The Alumni Perspective"
         A panel moderated by Patrick Ledden (Provost, Muir College)
         Panel members include:

         * Adam Burgasser (Muir, 1996) - Physics graduate student,
         * Lori Killpatrick (Eleanor Roosevelt, 1992) - Mathematics
         Teacher, Torrey Pines High School; Peace Corps, 1993-95
         * Denise Parnell (Warren, 1986) - Physician, Beach Area
         Family Health Center, San Diego
         * Jason Snell (Revelle, 1992) - Senior Editor,
         MacWorld Magazine
         * Guy (Bud) Tribble (Revelle, 1970) - Vice President,
         Main Sun Microsystems
         * Alex Wong (Thurgood Marshall, 1990) - Asst. City Attorney,
         City of San Francisco

11:20 a.m.   "General Education -- Faculty Perspectives"
         A panel moderated by Paul Saltman (Professor, Department of
         Panel members include:

         * Pamela Cosman, Department of Electrical & Computer
         * Michael Gorman, Department of Psychology
         * William McGinnis, Department of Biology
         * Sandra Mitchell, Department of Philosophy
         * William O'Brien, Department of Literature

12:30 p.m.   Colloquium Luncheon* hosted by SVC Marsha Chandler
         UCSD Faculty Club Lounge
* luncheon for Colloquium participants; reservations required (requests to
Julia Rieber, jrieber@ucsd.edu) by Tuesday, February 2, at 12:00 noon