University of California, San Diego


November 19, 1999

ALL ACADEMICS AND STAFF AT UCSD (including Healthcare)

SUBJECT:  Electronic Notices and Flyers

This notice provides information about procedures for subscribing to UCSD listserve options that provide official information about campus issues or announce campus activities. Currently, there are three listserve mechanisms that enable individuals to keep up-to-date on important information and events in the UCSD community -- UCSD-Notices, UCSD-Flyers, and Academic-Flyers.

NOTICES communicate information related to the business activities of the University. Notices may be addressed to the entire campus or to select segments of the campus population (e.g., faculty and staff, academic administrators, key staff, etc.). All notices require prior approval by a Vice Chancellor or Associate Chancellor. Department chairs and key administrative support contacts are encouraged to subscribe to this list.

FLYERS are announcements regarding campus events, activities, and information of a general nature, e.g., music presentations, theater programs, announcements of lectures, blood drives, or campus relocations. To issue a flyer, the proposed text should be authorized by the chief administrator of any department, office, or program and adminrec@ucsd.edu .

ACADEMIC-FLYERS provide material of particular interest to the academic community, such as colloquia, symposia, conferences, and lectures. This is a listserve consisting of academics and others who may wish to receive those announcements. To issue an academic-flyer the proposed text should be authorized by the chief administrator of the academic department or program and adminrec@ucsd.edu .

To subscribe to UCSD-Notices, UCSD-Flyers, or Academic-Flyers listserves, please listserv@ucsd.edu , with no subject, and in the first text line state the name of the listserve:

SUBSCRIBE [user email address] ucsd-notices
SUBSCRIBE [user email address] ucsd-flyers
SUBSCRIBE [user email address] academic-flyers

For other information on listserves, please refer to the Office of Network Operations' website:

Also, please note that other electronic mail lists are managed by Administrative Records, e.g., All-At-UCSD, Academic Senate, Clinical Faculty, All-Academic, and All-Students-At-UCSD. For information on electronic mail managed by Administrative Records go to http://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/notices.

If you should have any questions about this notice, please contact Virginia Wilson by phone (4-3394) or viwilson@ucsd.edu.

                                                John Woods
                                                Vice Chancellor
                                                Resource Management & Planning