University of California, San Diego


December 1, 1999


SUBJECT:  2001-02 State Budget Research Initiatives

The Office of the President has invited the campus to submit up to five proposals for research initiatives for possible inclusion in the 2001-02 Regents' Budget request. The purpose is to obtain State funding in support of research over and above the State support we will receive in connection with enrollment growth. The funding for these initiatives is "permanent" so it can have a serious long term effect on UCSD research efforts.

Three research initiatives were included in the 2000-01 Regents' Budget request: Engineering and Computer Science ($5 million), Environmental Science ($5 million), and California-Mexico Collaborative Research ($5 million). A significant fraction of the $15 million has been requested for graduate student support. You may find the text of these three initiatives on the web at http://budget.ucop.edu/budget/200001/6/research.html beginning on page 85.

The research priorities submitted by San Diego last spring for the 2000-01 budget were environmental science and policy, human development, gene therapy, immigration, nanotechnology, and remote sensing. These were considered by the Office of the President in conjunction with requests by the other campuses and resulted in the present request in the Regents' Budget.

The Office of the President is soliciting ideas for research initiatives that meet the following criteria:

· The research topic is recognized as high priority to the State of California by its legislative and executive lawmakers. High priority may be defined in terms of contributions to economic growth and job creation or in terms of contributions to societal health and well-being.

· The research topic is long-term, multidisciplinary, and of high scientific and scholarly interest to UC faculty.

· UC possesses and identifies the faculty expertise and intellectual resources that are collectively the best in the world to address the topic.

· The topic is not being effectively addressed by others, and UC is uniquely positioned to do so.

In addition, we believe the ideas that UCSD forwards to the Office of the President should:

· Be a high priority for the campus.

· Potentially involve a large number of UCSD faculty and students and be of interest to faculty and students at other UC campuses.

Faculty with ideas that meet the above criteria are encouraged to work with other faculty, their department chairs, and deans in developing the ideas.

A one to two page statement of the idea should be forwarded to your dean (or deans if the proposal involves faculty from more than one division), with copies to your department chair, Vice Chancellor for Research Richard Attiyeh (0003), and the Committee on Research (0002) by Monday, January 31, 2000.

Richard Attiyeh
Vice Chancellor for Research
Dean of Graduate Studies

Henry Abarbanel
Committee on Research