University of California, San Diego


December 10, 1999


SUBJECT:  Sixth College Founding Provost Search

I am pleased to invite applications and nominations for the position of founding Provost of Sixth College.

Consistent with the Preliminary Academic Plan adopted by the Representative Assembly of the Academic Senate on November 30, 1999, the academic program of Sixth College will be centered around the theme of Art, Culture, and Technology. The preliminary plan will serve to guide the Founding Provost and the Planning Faculty, to be selected later, in the development of a detailed academic plan for Sixth College.

The Provost search will be confined to the UCSD campus, and candidates must hold full-time, tenured (including security of employment) faculty appointments. The appointment will be for five years, renewable after appropriate review. The job description and requirements for a Provost are given below.

Applications (resume and names of references) and nominations received by January 31, 2000, will receive full consideration by the Search Committee, which is in the process of being constituted and will be announced shortly. Please submit to:

In Confidence/Addressee Only

David R. Miller, Chair
Sixth College Provost Search Committee (0001)


Electronic mail to: sixthprovost@ucsd.edu

                                                Marsha A. Chandler
                                                Senior Vice Chancellor
                                                Academic Affairs


Job Description

The Provost:

Is the Academic and Administrative leader of the College.

Is responsible for the realization of the academic goals of the College, as described in the College's academic plan.

Shares with the College faculty, the appropriate academic departments, and the respective Program Directors the responsibility for the supervision of academic programs, developed and administered under the aegis of the College.

Reviews and makes recommendations on appointments, merits, and promotions of faculty affiliated with the College.

Certifies students of the College for graduation upon completion of their studies.

Chairs the Council of Provosts on a rotating basis.

Serves as Ex-officio member of the College's governing body, which is advisory to the Provost.

Supervises the professional staff of the College -- the College Business Officer, the College Dean of Student Life, the Director of Academic Advising, and other staff members who report to the Provost.

Serves, as appointed, on various campus-wide and systemwide committees.

To the degree permitted by his or her administrative responsibilities, engages in teaching and research commensurate in quality with his or her rank as a member of the UCSD faculty.

Is responsible for the programmatic aspects of College residence- hall life.

Is responsible for recreational, social and cultural programming for the College.

Is responsible for orientation of new undergraduate students, transfer students, and their parents.

Is responsible for student government in the College.

Is responsible for preparation of the annual budgets of the College, and for an accurate accounting of the expenditure of College funds.

The Candidate:

Must hold a full-time, tenured appointment in one of UCSD's departments.

Must have the skills and knowledge to direct and supervise the professional staff of the College.

Must have knowledge and skill in budgeting and fiscal management.

Must have the interpersonal skills to work effectively with students, faculty and staff as well as the general public.

UCSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor--Academic Affairs
University of California, San Diego
December 10, 1999

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