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UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
HUMAN RESOURCES December 9, 1999
KEY ADMINISTRATORS/KEY SUPPORT STAFF POLICY MANUAL HOLDERS SUBJECT: UCSD Performance Management and Appraisal Process This Notice is provided to announce the implementation of the revised UCSD Performance Management and Appraisal Process effective November 1, 1999. The revised Process is the result of extensive effort, which involved a UCSD Process Review Team, concentrated research, and a campuswide review and comment period. Four new UCSD Performance Management and Development Models have been created to offer greater flexibility within each Vice Chancellor's area, as one or more of the Models may be selected for the management and appraisal of employees' performance. Consistent use of the same Model for employees in the same occupational classification (e.g., Administrative Specialist, Computer Resources Specialist II) is required. The Models include a Description, References and Instructions. Information about the UCSD Performance Appraisal Process; the Appraisal Ratings system; and the four UCSD Standards for The Principles of Community, Diversity, Health and Safety, and Customer Service are components of the Instructions. The Models emphasize and encourage the planning for employee performance development for the coming year and introduce a separate Employee Comment Sheet. To encourage employees' participation in the performance appraisal process, a Self-Appraisal form has been developed and incorporated into each of the Models. The revised Procedures, Models, and Process may be accessed on the Human Resources Department website at: http://www-hr.ucsd.edu/~qwl/policies and thereafter scrolling to Implementing Procedure 23/Performance Appraisal. Supervisors, managers, Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) contacts, department personnel, and other appropriate staff should review the Performance Management and Appraisal Process. Policy Manual Holders should print and file copies of the revised Performance Management and Appraisal Process documents in their UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members Manual (UCPPSM) with Policy 23/Performance Appraisal, and update the Table of Contents accordingly. Inquiries regarding the UCSD Performance Management and Appraisal Process may be directed to Jonnie Craig-Winston, Director of Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life, at jcraig@ucsd.edu, UCSD Human Resources Department, mail code 0922, or (858) 534-9659.