University of California, San Diego


March 1, 1999


SUBJECT:    Year 2000 Alert: Y2K and You

By now we are all well aware of the infamous Y2K date change issue that,
unless addressed, may cause problems for computers and automated systems.
The purpose of this notice is to alert you to your responsibilities and
inform you of campus-wide activities related to the Y2K issue.

Although much effort is being devoted to assuring Y2K-compliance of
central campus-wide services (e.g., Payroll, Financial, Student, Medical
Center, and central utility systems), there are many other systems that
are solely maintained by individual departments, faculty or staff (e.g.,
research databases, recharge operations, spreadsheets, personal computers,
lab instruments, and even refrigeration equipment). By their very nature,
such systems can only be checked and tested by the people who support and
use them.

Although these individually-supported systems may not be mission-critical
from a campus-wide perspective, they may be very critical to those who
rely upon them. These individuals are also the ones who are responsible
for assuring the Y2K-compliance of such systems.

Since you may be one of these people, I urge you to promptly identify the
systems for which you are responsible, prioritize their importance, and
take the proper steps to assure their compliance.

There are several resources that can help you in the process. Many campus
units have technical staff who may be of some assistance. Most vendors
have posted on their web sites specific Y2K information regarding their
products. Additionally, a campus Y2K Advisory Committee was formed last
year to address campus-wide Y2K planning issues and to coordinate Y2K
activities of all the Vice Chancellor areas. The committee is actively
pursuing these issues and all its findings (e.g., status reports, links
to vendors and other external sites) are posted on the official UCSD Y2K
Web page (http://y2k.ucsd.edu).

Please review the information on the Web site and contact the appropriate
committee members (see list below) if you need assistance or have further

Thank you.

Elazar C. Harel
Assistant Vice Chancellor,
Administrative Computing & Telecommunications
Chair, Y2K Advisory Committee


Members of the Y2K Advisory Committee:

Ed Babakanian, Medical Center, mailto:ebabakanian@ucsd.edu
Rich Backer, Student Affairs, mailto:rbacker@ucsd.edu
Sally Brainerd, Business & Financial Svcs., mailto:sbrainerd@ucsd.edu
Tom Collins, SIO, mailto:tcollins@ucsd.edu
Liz Floyd, ABA and Communication Dept, mailto:efloyd@ucsd.edu
Elazar Harel, ACT, mailto:eharel@ucsd.edu
Mike Maier, Medical Center, mailto:lmaier@ucsd.edu
Debbie McGraw, Academic Affairs, mailto:dmcgraw@ucsd.edu
Roger Meyer, School of Medicine, mailto:rmeyer@ucsd.edu
Jim Napier, School of Engineering, mailto:jnapier@ucsd.edu
Ken Popp, ACT, mailto:kpopp@ucsd.edu
Mort Shayegan, Physical Plant (PPS), mailto:mshayegan@ucsd.edu
Dick Siegel, Internal Audit, mailto:rsiegel@ucsd.edu
Scott Wilson, EH&S, mailto:swilson@ucsd.edu
Ray Young, External Relations, mailto:rgyoung@ucsd.edu