May 19, 1999
SUBJECT: | Two New Short-Term Employment Services |
Many departments at UCSD experience operational problems during the
period between the departure of a key staff member and the successful replacement of that position. These interim problems tend to be most
severe when the empty position is in the area of financial transactions
and financial systems.
To address this need, the Human Resources Department is pleased to
announce two new short-term employment services. These services are the Financial Temps and the Staff Skill Bank.
Designed to augment existing temporary employment options, these new
services will support departments' immediate temporary staffing needs by
providing skilled employees who possess UCSD core financial, timekeeping,
payroll/personnel and other online systems expertise. Thus, departments
will have additional options for managing unanticipated short-term staffing
needs resulting from a temporary increase in operational demands, position
vacancies or regular staff members' leaves of absence.
Overviews of the two new short-term employment services are as follows:
The "Financial Temps" Service has been developed to provide departments
with interim staff who are trained and authorized users of UCSD's financial
online systems (e.g., IFIS and PPS). Departments may utilize this service
during peak workload periods or in the absence of regular staff.
The "Financial Temps" Service is now an operational component of the
Human Resources Department's Temporary Employment Services (TES). For
additional information or to request this service, please contact
Kim Ayoub at (619)534-4604. Temporary Employment Services looks forward to working with you.
The UCSD Staff Skill Bank is being developed to provide a web-based
platform for supervisors who have an immediate and temporary staffing
need to meet UCSD's financial and online systems (e.g., IFIS and PPS)
requirements. This web-based program will be an intuitive, interactive
process for both hiring authorities and UCSD employee-participants.
Temporary overtime assignment opportunities will be available to eligible and qualified UCSD employees who have received their home department's
approval to voluntarily apply to participate in the Skill Bank pool.
Participants in the pool will have the skills and experience to perform
financial online systems functions. Thus, supervisors will be able to
identify and select individuals from the pool to provide financial online
systems support for an interim period of six-months or less.
This Program is currently under development and targeted for implementation
effective July 1999. Prior to the implementation date, a Notice will be
issued to the campus community to announce the Skill Bank Guidelines,
eligibility criteria, applicant registration and other procedural
information, and the website location. Inquiries regarding the Staff Skill
Bank may be directed to Pat Wong, Manager of Employment and Staffing
Services, at (619) 534-2820 or
I would like to particularly thank those in the academic departments who
have inspired the development of the Staff Skill Bank.
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources |