May 28, 1999
SUBJECT: | Book Drive for K-12 Schools |
The UCSD Bookstore and the Associated Student's Volunteer Connection
program are seeking donations for a book drive to be held from
June 1-11 to benefit nine K-12 schools in the City Heights and
National City areas of San Diego.
The books will be donated to the K-12 Cluster Partnership program
sponsored by UCSD's Center for Research in Educational Equity, Assessment
and Teaching Excellence (CREATE). Schools in the Crawford High School
cluster in City Heights include Crawford, Mann Middle School and Carver
and Euclid Elementary schools. The Sweetwater High School cluster schools
include Sweetwater, National City Middle School and Central, Olivewood
and Otis Elementary schools.
The "wish list" of books for the participating schools includes textbooks
and general books in the following areas: First-year science, math,
economics and computer; ethnic studies, women's studies, Third World
studies, history; first-year sociology and psychology; first-year
calculus, statistics and economics; English as a second language;
Spanish, including literature and grammar; children's books in English and Spanish; novels, anthologies, poetry, plays, non-fiction, composition, essay writing; reference books, encyclopedia sets and dictionaries.
The book drive also supports San Diego Reads!, a citywide civic project
to support literacy in local schools. "Gently used" general reading
books, especially appropriate for the early elementary grade levels,
are solicited for this project.
Books may be dropped off at book receptacles at the following locations:
ASUCSD Volunteer Connection
UCSD Bookstore (extended collection June 1-18)
Thurgood Marshall College, Dean's Office lobby
John Muir College, Middle of Muir
Roger Revelle College, Student Activity Center
Eleanor Roosevelt College, Pepper Canyon
Earl Warren College, Student Activity Center
Soft Reserves
Shuttle vehicles
North Point Visitor Information Center
For further information contact Meredyth Potter White, UCSD Bookstore,
Ed Lopez
Outreach Coordinator |