May 5, 1999
SUBJECT: | Performance Appraisal and Salary Review for Professional and Support Staff Employees (formerly A&PS and Staff Tier Employees) |
Policy 23/Performance Appraisal of the UC Personnel Policies for Staff
Members (UCPPSM) states that the performance of each employee shall be
appraised annually in writing by the employee's immediate supervisor. The
appraisal is an opportunity to measure the employee's performance, foster
professional development and career growth, support the determination of
merit increases, and meet the external and internal demands for
documentation of individual performance.
The performance appraisal process for Professional and Support Staff (PSS)
employees is a critical element in determining the salary increase
recommendations for this category of employees who are covered by the UC
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (UCPPSM). Therefore, managers and
supervisors are encouraged to complete the performance appraisal process
for all PSS employees not later than June 30, 1999. Modifications to the
performance appraisal timeline have been made to correspond with the Annual
Merit Review Cycle, which is now in October.
The timetable for the October 1999 salary review process will be
established once the 1999-2000 budget is made final and the increase
control figure is known. Based on past experiences, there may be a brief
turnaround timeframe for supervisors and departments to submit
recommendations for salary increases for PSS employees.
While a cross-functional process team has worked on modifications to the
current UCSD Performance Management and Appraisal process, those changes
will not take effect during this appraisal cycle. Therefore, the current
UCSD Performance Evaluation form, FO2049, revised November 1986, is the
appropriate form to use for completing the performance appraisal for PSS
employees. Form FO2049 is available at the Storehouse and can be ordered
electronically at or via fax at (619) 530-0676.
Inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to Jonnie Craig-Winston,
Director of Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life, at
(619) 534-9659 or
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources |