June 1, 1999
SUBJECT: | All-Campus Commencement |
The interaction between a faculty member and a student is
the core of the students educational experience at UCSD.
The mutual goodwill and respect between faculty and
students is essential to its success. The presence of
faculty at the all campus graduation is an important
symbolic display of faculty appreciation of the success
attained by our graduating students and of good wishes for
their continuing success. In addition many students value
the opportunity, at the post ceremony lunch, to introduce
their families to the role models who have shaped their
academic careers.
Only 19 faculty requested academic regalia before the
deadline for the all campus graduation. We have been
told that it might still be possible to obtain regalia
if ordered no later than June 2. We urge faculty to do so,
and we also urge all faculty who have ordered regalia for
college graduation ceremonies or who own their own, to
attend the all campus graduation.
John M. Goodkind
Chair-Academic Senate
San Diego Division
Joe Leventhal
Associated Students |
Those of you who wish to march in the faculty procession
who have NOT already made arrangements for caps and gowns
will need to order your academic regalia directly from the
UCSD Bookstore, NO LATER THAN 3:30 p.m., on WEDNESDAY,
JUNE 2, 1999. Orders may be placed as follows:
-- by phone: Extension 4-3786 or 2-1066
-- by FAX: 534-0410
-- by email:
The following information must be provided at the time an
order is placed:
-- name, phone number, email address
-- height
-- cap/hat size (or head circumference in inches)
-- degree title (e.g., Ph.D., M.D., M.F.A., M.A., etc.)
-- name and location of institution where degree was
conferred (e.g., Yale, New Haven, CT)
Please identify yourself as a member of the "Faculty
Commencement Processional Group". The cost of the rental fee for caps and gowns will be provided. Gowns and caps
will be delivered to the robing area (to be announced).
TICKETS--Tickets may be obtained from the Academic Senate
Office Tuesday, June 8 and Wednesday, June 9 between
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Tickets include lunch following the ceremony. |