July 16, 1999
ALL AT UCSD (Including the UCSD Medical Centers)
We are pleased to report that the immensely successful web-based
training system, WebBT, has been upgraded from 300 to 500
information systems-related courses available via the web to
UCSD faculty, staff, students, and affiliates. Since WebBT
was first implemented fifteen months ago, there have been
1,612,689 hits to its pages by 15,318 unique computers; courses
were retrieved 11,677 times, 2,890 of which were accessed using
the LivePlay feature and 8,787 were downloaded. These figures
represent not only a high degree of interest, but an impressive
commitment on the part of supervisors throughout UCSD to support
desktop learning.
The interactive multimedia training applications can be used
directly via the web or downloaded for use on local PCs.
Courseware ranges from the full Office 97 suite, including
Microsoft FrontPage, to the training necessary to prepare for
certification as a network engineer using Novell or Microsoft NT.
This year the interface to WebBT has been updated and improved to
reflect user feedback. The instructions for getting started are
briefer and easier to use and the links to courses are more direct.
WebBT continues to be available for Windows users. It was hoped
that access for Macintosh users would be in place by now, but
the vendor experienced technical difficulties and is now projecting implementation in early 2000.
Responsibility for technical support for WebBT begins at the local
department level, and system administrators may contact Academic
Computing Services for further assistance.
WebBT is presented as a collaborative effort of Academic Computing
Services, Administrative Computing and Telecommunications, the Human
Resources Department, the Vice Chancellor - Business Affairs, and the
UCSD Medical Center. The sponsors of WebBT are committed to supporting v
easy access to information systems training at your convenience.
For further information, see the frequently asked questions page at
Rogers Davis
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