UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
HUMAN RESOURCES August 6, 1999
SUBJECT: University of California Management Skills Assessment The Management Skills Assessment Program is a highly effective management development program open to entry-level managers, first-line supervisors, and professional staff at the ___ Assistant III level and above at all campuses of the university. This program provides a valuable learning experience for employees. The program is based on extensive research in the fields of management and organizational behavior, and is comparable to programs available elsewhere at a much higher cost. Two sessions of the Management Skills Assessment Program are available to UCSD personnel: October 12-15, 1999; and May 2-5, 2000. Both sessions are held at the UC Conference Center at Lake Arrowhead. The program fee for assessees is $667.00. The fee covers tuition and room and board for four days and three nights. Staff Education and Development may be able to provide some Staff Affirmative Action funding to assist with the program fee for those accepted as assessees. The campus Staff Education and Development division of the Human Resources Department coordinates the program for the campus. All applications are reviewed by a committee which selects UCSD's participants. An assessee application form follows. Please print out the application form and reproduce copies as necessary. Campus managers at the equivalent of the Senior Analyst level or above who are interested in participating as an assessor in the Management Skills Assessment Program may obtain an application by contacting Linda Veliz, MSAP Coordinator, Staff Education and Development, at extension 44890. Managers who attend as assessors pay no fee. Applications for the October session must be received no later than September 3, 1999. The deadline date to submit applications for the May session is March 3, 2000. I encourage you to give careful consideration to the Management Skills Assessment Program as it is a valuable resource for university employees. A brochure describing the program in more detail is available through Staff Education and Development. Please contact Staff Education and Development at extension 44890 if you need additional information.
Attachment _________________________________________________________________
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MSAP Assessee Information ------------------------- Name
Phone Number
Payroll Title ________________________________ Title Code_____
PSS__________ MSP__________ SMG__________Other__________ Dept. Mailing Address
Length of UC Service _________ Supervisor's Name _______________ Phone Number(_____)_________ Supervisor's Title and Address
___________________________________________________ Department Head's Name
Department Head's Title and Address
________ Number of full-time employees supervised directly. ________ Number of part-time employees supervised directly. ________ Number of employees supervised indirectly, full or part-time. ________ Doesn't apply. I don't supervise anyone.
___ Male ___ Female ___ White ___ Black/African-American ___ American Indian/Alaskan Native ___ Hispanic ___ Mexican/Mexican-American/Chicano ___ Latin-American/Latino ___ Other Spanish/Spanish-American Asian or Pacific Islander ___ Chinese/Chinese-American ___ Special Disabled Veteran ___ Japanese/Japanese-American ___ U.S. Vietnam Era Veteran ___ Filipino/Pilipino ___ Other U.S. Veteran ___ Pakistan/East Indian ___ Does Not Apply ___ Other Asian ___ Disabled: Please describe disability so accessibility to facilities can be determined. Include special requirements needed.
In case of a personal emergency at Lake Arrowhead, we may contact: Name__________________________________________________________ Phone: a.m. (______)_____________ p.m.(______)______________
MSAP Assessee Information EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (Academic and Professional)
Year_________Institution/Program________________________________ Certificate_______________________________
UCSD Supplemental Assessee Information 1. Please check the date of the session you prefer to attend: _____ October 12-15, 1999 _____ May 2-5, 2000 2. If the session you prefer is filled, could you attend the other one? _____ Yes _____ No 3. Applicant Please write a statement not to exceed one page explaining why you want to participate in this program and how it will help you. 4. Supervisor Please write a statement not to exceed one page describing the applicant's qualifications for this program and your perception of the benefits to him/her and to your department. NOMINATIONS FOR THE OCTOBER SESSION ARE DUE BY SEPTEMBER 3, 1999. NOMINATIONS FOR THE MAY SESSION ARE DUE BY MARCH 3, 2000. Please submit this application and attachments by the above dates to: Staff Education and Development, 0922.