University of California, San Diego


September 1, 1999


SUBJECT:  Update on UCSD's Travel Management Program

UCSD's Travel Agency Program (UTAP) is composed of a Partner Agency and many Alliance Agencies. A Request for Proposal for a Partner and a Request for Information to identify Alliance Agencies were issued last fall. We are pleased to announce as a result of the formal solicitation process, that Balboa Travel has been selected as UCSD's Partner and that over 30 agencies have been certified as Alliance Agencies.

Having a Partner allows for enhancing travel services, controlling fees, leveraging buying power, fulfilling airline requirements that a primary agency be in place before contracts for discounted airfare can be awarded, and facilitating on-line expense reporting by consolidating data. Alliance Agencies can be used for specialized travel and to accommodate preferences in the choice of an agency.

Balboa became UCSD's preferred travel agency in 1994 after a formal solicitation process. As our Partner, Balboa will provide improved service, expanded options including administering our soon to be announced discount with a major airline, a no primary booking fee policy, and a UCSD dedicated reservations team. Please see our web site for information on Balboa:


Alliance Agencies may be used as an alternative to our Partner but are not empowered to provide as many services as Balboa as they have no formal agreements with UCSD. We cannot guarantee service levels and fees. Please see our web site for information on the Alliance Agencies:


Airfare for official business may be billed directly to UCSD either by using Balboa or by the use of an employee's Diners card with an Alliance Agency when accompanied by an Event Number which provides reasonable protection against unauthorized charges.

An Event Number is not required for travelers either preferring to use a personal form of payment or for non-employees whose location might require the use of a personal form of payment and a non-UTAP agency. In either case, travelers will be promptly reimbursed upon submission of a Travel Expense Voucher upon trip conclusion. Please see our web site for information on Event Numbers including booking via the Internet:


We would like to extend a very sincere thank you to all who have provided feedback on our Travel Agency Program by responding to the web site poll, email, and other communications. We understand that travel is very personal and complex and always appreciate learning more about your travel needs and desires. Please direct comments and questions either to Travel@UCSD.edu or telephone 43734.

                                                Faye E. McCullough
                                                Disbursements Manager