University of California, San Diego


September 5, 2000


SUBJECT:  Instructional WWW Development Center (IWDC)

Last September, the Senior Vice Chancellor Marsha Chandler, announced the creation of the Instructional WWW Development Center (IWDC), an activity of Academic Computing Services. The goal of the center is to help faculty in the development of WWW-based materials for instructional purposes. As the new school year approaches, I want to remind you that the Instructional WWW Development Center (IWDC) is available for you before and during the school year. Now is a good time to contact them for consultation on course web page building.

This service provides free individual tutoring service to general campus faculty. To date, the IWDC has helped 149 professors, representing nearly every campus department and program, establish 234 course web sites. The IWDC also created a campus directory for course web sites at http://courses.ucsd.edu. Those not needing tutoring should still submit their course web address (URL), so it can be included in the online directory.

The facility exists to:

- Assist or train faculty in the development of WWW-based instructional materials. One-on-one assistance/instruction will be provided for up to 10 hours per general campus faculty member.

- Provide free consulting to faculty on tools and techniques for using HTML and other WWW-based technologies used to develop instructional materials. Advise on the best method for delivery at UCSD. Advise faculty and others on security issues related to WWW materials and review materials that will be hosted by ACS for security vulnerabilities.

- Provide a location where general campus faculty (as well as one staff member or one TA designated by them) can, by appointment, make use of equipment to develop WWW-based instructional materials.

- More extensive services may be provided on a recharge, first-come, first-served basis.

Faculty wishing to take part in this facility must fill out IWDC's on-line form at http://iwdc.ucsd.edu/application.htm .

IWDC can be contacted at <iwdc@ucsd.edu> or by telephone at (858) 822-3315. The web site for the center is located at http://iwdc.ucsd.edu.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact IWDC.

Thank you.

                                                David R. Miller
                                                Associate Vice Chancellor -
                                                Academic Information Technology