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UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
January 12, 2000 ACADEMIC SENATE MEMBERS SUBJECT: Search for Founding Provost of Sixth College On December 10, 1999, SVC Chandler sent an electronic announcement to faculty inviting applications and nominations for the position of founding Provost of Sixth College. Given the impact of the holidays on our schedules, I want to reiterate SVC Chandler's call for applications and nominations of candidates for Provost of the new college. I would appreciate your thoughts and any suggestions you could send me. It is not necessary to seek prior consent of the potential candidate, as the search committee will be pleased to ascertain the nominee's willingness to be considered. Your comments would be most useful within the next week by e-mail or campus mail. The composition of the search committee is being finalized this month, and the membership will soon be announced. Consideration of candidates will begin in February. Consistent with the Preliminary Academic Plan adopted by the Representative Assembly of the Academic Senate on November 30, 1999, the academic program of Sixth College will be centered around the theme of Art, Culture, and Technology. The preliminary plan will serve to guide the Founding Provost and the Planning Faculty, to be selected later, in the development of a more detailed academic plan for Sixth College. The Provost search will be confined to the UCSD campus, and candidates must hold full-time, tenured (including security of employment) faculty appointments. The appointment will be for five years, renewable after appropriate review. The job description and requirements for a Provost are given on the Academic Affairs web site at: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/offices/planning/sixthprovost.html. Applications (resume and names of references) and nominations received by January 31, 2000, will receive full consideration by the Search Committee. Please submit to: IN CONFIDENCE/ADDRESSEE ONLY David R. Miller, Chair Sixth College Provost Search Committee (0001) or: Electronic mail to: sixthprovost@ucsd.edu Thank you.