University of California, San Diego


January 24, 2000

ALL ACADEMICS AND STAFF AT UCSD (including Healthcare)

SUBJECT:    Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program, 2000-01 Call for Individual Proposals for Funds

I am pleased to announce the call for individual proposals for Staff Equal Opportunity Enrichment Program (SEOEP) funds for the 2000-01 fiscal year. This program provides individual awards for training activities, up to $500, for career employees seeking a promotion or career change who meet performance evaluation requirements, have completed their probationary period, and submit a complete proposal. All applicants will be considered without regard to gender or ethnicity.

For the selection criteria and proposal for funds, please go to the Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action web page below: http://www-hr.ucsd.edu/~saa/1callind.html

One of UCSD's objectives is to increase diversity in career positions. The implementation of the SEOEP is one method by which this objective may be achieved.

Career employees, who aspire to a promotion or career change to any of UCSD's job titles and who meet the requirements, are encouraged to apply. Please thoroughly review the attached requirements and selection criteria. If eligible, submit 12 copies of your completed proposal to the Equal Opportunity/ Staff Affirmative Action, Division of Human Resources, at mail code 0923 no later than Monday, April 17, 2000.

Please note: The SEOEP Committee asks applicants to seek funding from their departments for the proposed training activity prior to submitting a proposal.

The SEOEP Committee will review the proposals and send notification letters of their decisions on funding by the end of June 2000. The implementation of the SEOEP will be in compliance with equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements and other applicable UC policies.

Please direct questions to Patty Arnett at Equal Opportunity/ Staff Affirmative Action via e-mail at parnett@ucsd.edu or by calling extension 46466.

Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor
Business Affairs