UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
October 27, 2000
SUBJECT: CALL FOR PROGRAM PROPOSALS The UCSD Center for the Humanities is pleased to announce a call for program proposals for the 2001/2002 academic year. All applications should include the following: * A narrative describing the project and its rationale. The narrative must be double spaced and a maximum of 5 pages. * A budget and any other information deemed relevant by the applicant. * A brief curriculum vitae (maximum of 2 pages). * A list of all previous UCSD Center for the Humanities support received by the applicant or applicants. * Original Proposal and 8 copies * Additional information as specified by each category (see below). The Center will consider support in the following categories: 1. Collaborative Group Research Planning Grants: Maximum award $10,000 The Center will provide initial support for group projects that have the potential of attracting outside support or for projects seeking seed funds to develop applications for foundations or specific programs. Interdisciplinary research will be supported under this category. 2. Conferences: Maximum award $20,000 The Center will provide funds, matching grants, and seed money for the organization of conferences on significant issues in the humanities that are of interest to the university and the community. Additional information required: * Indication of co-sponsorship by a department or other institution. * Listing of prospective speakers, panelists, and participants. 3. Humanities Faculty Fellow: Maximum award $5,000 The Humanities Center will support research of faculty from the Division of Arts & Humanities by providing the opportunity for full-time research effort. Up to $5000 will be made available to the Fellow's home department to cover temporary teaching replacement needs. Faculty Fellows will remain in residence at UCSD and be asked to present their research at the Center's faculty luncheon series. Faculty are not eligible if, within the last two years, they have received a UC President's Fellowship in the Humanities or a major fellowship such as a Guggenheim or NEH that provided a leave of two quarters or more. Additional information required: * Indication of the status of the research project and the use the applicant will make of the release time. 4. Humanities Graduate Student Fellowship: Maximum award $4,000 The Center will support dissertation research of graduate students from the Division of Arts and Humanities. The stipend is to be taken during one quarter of the academic year, in lieu of all other campus fellowships and employment, for the purpose of devoting full-time work towards the completion of their dissertation. Graduate students must file their application directly. Additional information required: * Support letter from the graduate student's dissertation advisor. * Endorsement of Department Chair 5. African-American Literature and History: Maximum award $10,000 The Center will support research, conferences, and a lectureship in this area. 6. Ethnic Literature and History: Maximum award 10,000 The Center will support research, conferences, and a lectureship in this area. 7. Community Outreach: Maximum award $10,000 The Center will support events that involve the local community and community organizations, and contribute to the interaction of UCSD faculty and the San Diego community. Additional information required: * A letter from the community organization supporting the project. 8. Conference Attendance: The Center will support travel to a conference in which the faculty member is presenting his/her research. The intention of the Center is to support travel to conferences that are directly related to the faculty member's research, rather than to conferences with broad agendas that may only, in part, relate to his/her research. The proposal should also include: * The invitation to the conference. * A statement of the relevance of the conference to the faculty member's research. * A budget. 9. Special Projects: The Center will support new innovative projects that do not fit into any previous category. ELIGIBILITY Faculty: All members of the Academic Senate who are eligible for funds from the Academic Senate Committee on Research are eligible, except as follows: * Emeriti Faculty or Faculty on Recall. * Members of the Executive Committee of the UCSD Center for the Humanities during the time of their service. * Unless otherwise stated in the category. Graduate students: Full-time graduate students in the Division of Arts and Humanities in good standing are eligible for the dissertation awards. Doctoral students must have advanced to Ph.D. candidacy. APPLICATION PROCESS: Please forward original proposal and 8 copies to: UCSD Center for the Humanities Mail Code 0406 Proposals should be submitted no later than Thursday, January 25, 2001, 3:00 p.m. Incomplete applications or submissions received later than January 25, 2001 will not be considered. Awards will be announced by the beginning of March, 2001.
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