University of California, San Diego


December 5, 2000


SUBJECT:    International Studies Retreat

This letter is an invitation to participate in an all-day retreat on Saturday, January 27, 2001, at the UCSD Faculty Club, on the subject of “International Studies at UCSD: Developing a Center.”

This event arises from the work of an advisory committee appointed by SVCAA Chandler in 1999 to review the status of international studies at UCSD and consider ways in which UCSD might better organize its research and teaching to promote synergies among existing programs. One recommendation of the advisory committee was the formation of a Center for International Studies, whose mission would be to facilitate research, teaching and public communication on international issues at our campus. A center could coordinate work among existing programs, encourage new activities, and be an advocate for resources on international programs. Our Working Group was charged to develop plans and a proposed structure for an International Studies Center, and we are preparing the final draft of a report to the SVCAA on these issues.

As a step in this process, we seek to articulate some of the areas of intellectual interest on the campus that cut across departments, divisions and programs. Discussion around several selected themes will help identify areas of research, help faculty learn about others on campus who may share their interests, and stimulate projects for the future.

Following the Retreat, faculty will be invited to submit Planning Grant proposals for Working Groups -- teams of faculty that will set out to collaborate on specific research projects. Three Working Groups will be funded by the SVCAA at $5000 each to develop ongoing work in their area.

The International Studies Center Working Group, after informal consultation with faculty, has identified the following retreat program. This is only a partial list of broad faculty research interests. In a single day, it is not possible to cover all topics. If there is an additional topic you think should be covered, and you can identify a panel of faculty who would like to lead a discussion on the topic, please let the International Studies Center Work Group know and, if time permits, space will be found for it.

Tentative Schedule for Retreat

9:00 am                      Welcoming Remarks: Explanation of Goals of Retreat

9:15--10:45 am         SESSION I: Citizenship - Changing Definitions and Consequences

10:45 am                    Coffee Break

11:00--12:45 pm       SESSION II: Globalization-Culture, Communication, Politics, and

12:45--1:45 pm         Lunch at the Faculty Club

1:45--3:15 pm           SESSION III: Violence and Conflict in National & Transnational Contexts

3:15 pm                     Coffee Break

3:30-4:30 pm            SESSION IV: Area Studies in Transition

4:30-5:45 pm            SESSION V: A Center for International Studies -- Issues and Themes
                                    for the Future

5:45-6:30 pm             Wine and Cheese Reception

This is an important event for international studies on our campus. We hope you can attend.

Please RSVP as soon as possible by filling out and returning the following questionnaire to Michele Dotson (mdotson@ucsd.edu, or X4-0097). The questionnaire asks that you let us know which Session interests you the most. Please take the time to complete this section.

Thank you for your interest.

The International Studies Center Working Group:

Joe Esherick (History/Chinese Studies)
Peter Gourevitch (IR/PS), Chair, 2000-01
Miler Kahler (IR/PS), Chair, 1999-00
David Lake (Political Science)
Joel Robbins (Anthropology), 1999-00
Akos Rona-Tas (Sociology)
Peter Smith (Political Science/Latin American Studies)
Lisa Yoneyama (Literature)

Enclosure (Questionnaire on International Studies Center) -- please see below


Please return to: Michele Dotson, mdotson@ucsd.edu, or mail code 0001, or you may simply REPLY to this message.

_____ YES, I am planning to attend the retreat on Saturday, January 27, 2001.

____ NO, I am unable to attend.


I am primarily interested in the following sessions (check as many as you wish):

_____ Citizenship -- Changing Definitions and Consequences

____ Globalization -- Culture, Communication, Politics, and Economics

_____ Violence and Conflict In National & Transnational Contexts

_____ Area Studies in Transition

_____ A Center for International Studies -- Issues and Themes for the Future

I suggest the following panel for the meeting, with these faculty members participating:


