University of California, San Diego


February 3, 2000


SUBJECT:    Sharecase 2000 - March 29, 2000

As the growth of UC San Diego continues, so do the administrative challenges for staff who support the research, teaching, and clinical activities of the campus. It is the hard work and creativity of our campus staff that has sustained an environment that makes possible many of UCSD's most stunning achievements.

Over the past year, staff from academic and service departments have been working together to develop new tools and technology that will help address many of the challenges associated with the increased workload and complexity of administrative tasks. On March 29th, we will host a special event that will bring together staff for the purpose of sharing ideas and information on how to use these new tools.

The UCSD Middle Management Council and Business Affairs will co-host Sharecase 2000 at the Price Center for staff who are interested in how technology can help them be successful in tackling these challenges. This day-long event will include live demonstrations of new web-based tools and other technology in areas such as:

* Department Financial Reporting and Administration * Student Information * Management of Contracts and Grants * Human Resources * Purchasing, Email, Security, Using the Web and Many More Areas...

When you visit the Sharecase 2000 web site at http://sharecase2000.ucsd.edu you will find a description of over 40 informative presentations. Come join us in the exhibit hall for live demonstrations and great ideas from selected vendors and campus service providers along with giveaways and food.

Please register early for Sharecase (at http://sharecase2000.ucsd.edu) so we may plan appropriately for your visit. Attendees who register at the web site will receive a complimentary lunch.

I encourage supervisors to release staff to attend job-related presentations as work permits. This is a wonderful development opportunity for attendees to obtain valuable information on a variety of topics.

I look forward to seeing you at Sharecase 2000 on Wednesday, March 29th.

                                                       Steven W. Relyea
                                                       Vice Chancellor
                                                       Business Affairs