University of California, San Diego


March 22, 2000


SUBJECT:    UCSD Research Initiatives Submitted for Consideration for Inclusion in the 2001-02 State Budget Request

You were informed in a December 1, 1999 email of the process for developing research initiatives to be considered for inclusion in the UC Regents 2001-02 budget request. The purpose is to obtain State funding in support of research over and above the State support we will receive in connection with enrollment growth. The funding for these initiatives would be "permanent" so it can have a serious long term effect on UCSD research efforts.

Following review in February by campus deans and the Academic Senate Committee on Research, the following idea statements for research initiatives were chosen for submission to the Office of the President on February 25, 2000:

Biomedical engineering
California human development
California immigration
Genomic complexity
Nanostructured magnetism
Observing and predicting natural disasters in California

These idea statements, along with those submitted by the other eight UC campuses, will be reviewed by several UC-wide faculty groups, and the selection of research initiatives to be included in the Regents Budget request will be made about May. By the end of June 2001, the State and Governor will make decisions about funding for the initiatives. Then, for research initiatives that receive funding, the Office of the President, in consultation with campuses, will develop a process for determining how the funding will be allocated. One of the possible outcomes is that the program funding will be managed by a "lead" campus and then made available in a competitive fashion to all members of the UC faculty.

The process is long and complex, we know, and we appreciate all the input from around the campus which has put UCSD is a competitive position to bring new research funds here.

                                                       Richard Attiyeh
                                                       Vice Chancellor for Research
                                                       Dean of Graduate Studies

                                                       Henry Abarbanel
                                                       Committee on Research