University of California, San Diego




March 6, 2001


SUBJECT:  UCSD Next Generation Network (NGN)

We are pleased to announce that the UCSD data and voice network will soon be enhanced to support the growing needs of the campus community. This network, dubbed the UCSD Next Generation Network (NGN), will feature sustainable state-of-the-art technology, increased bandwidth to the Internet, additional security, and expanded helpdesk services.

In order to make the NGN a reality, we will be implementing a new funding model that has been in development for the last three years and involved extensive campus consultation with many entities, including the Academic Senate, departmental administrators, and the campus external auditors. The objectives of the funding model are to:

  • Secure sufficient funding to sustain a state-of-the-art campus network.
  • Minimize financial impact on departments and sponsored projects.
  • Establish a stable, simple, and predictable charging mechanism that recognizes the unification of voice and data technologies.
  • Eliminate the inconsistencies and inequities of the current recharge mechanism.

    Effective July 1, 2001, there will be a flat monthly charge, that will:

  • Eliminate existing phone line charges.
  • Eliminate existing computer network charges.
  • Eliminate telephone feature package charges.
  • Reduce telephone toll charges by approximately 40%.

    The monthly charge will be $60 for campus users, with different rates applying to Medical Center and off-campus users. Grants will not be charged for graduate and undergraduate students (details can be found at http://ngn.ucsd.edu).

    The charges reflect a substantial campus subsidy provided by the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors so that the fiscal impact will be minimal for departments and sponsored projects. In fact, the projected net impact on contracts and grants at UCSD is expected to be a decrease compared to current charges.

    The Office of Contracts & Grants Administration (OCGA) will soon send out instructions on how to incorporate the revised fee structure into sponsored research proposals.

    The monthly charge will be applied to "communication users," determined by title code and defined as employees who are expected to make use of a telephone and/or the data network as a part of their daily work. These charges will be proportionally posted onto the index numbers that make up the employee's salary. Lower rates will be used for off-campus users, people located at the Medical Center, students, and postdocs. Charges for part time employees will be pro-rated and a few special case rates also have been defined (e.g., computer labs). Toll charges, phone instrument charges, voicemail, and one-time installation charges will continue to be charged separately.

    An advisory committee comprised of Academic Senate representatives and campus administrators will review appropriate policies, implementation priorities, and strategic directions of the NGN. The network will be jointly managed by the departments of Academic Computing Services (ACS) and Administrative Computing & Telecommunications (ACT).

    A website describing and answering questions about the NGN can be found at http://ngn.ucsd.edu. In addition, there will be a series of meetings in March and April that faculty and staff can attend to learn more details about the NGN. If you have questions regarding the next generation network, please send us email at ngn@ucsd.edu or call Sheryl Gerbracht at x4-7339 (funding model), Jim Madden at x4-2682 (network technologies) or Linda Dale at x4-3333 (contracts and grants).

                Marsha A. Chandler                         Steven W. Relyea
                Senior Vice Chancellor -                 Vice Chancellor -
                Academic Affairs                              Business Affairs