October 11, 2001
Subject: Seminars Related to September 11 Events
In response to the terrorist attack of September 11 and the events
following upon it, some faculty have expressed interest in offering
one-unit undergraduate seminars on topics related to this situation.
These can be developed in time for Spring, but we have already passed
the deadline for Winter. Accordingly I have made arrangements with the
Registrar's office for a brief extension of the Winter deadline for
those who would like to try to get something together immediately.
The details of the Undergraduate Seminar Program are available at
The new deadline for 9-11 related courses for Winter Quarter 2002 is
Monday, October 22, 2001.
If you would like to offer a 9-11 related seminar for Winter Quarter,
please contact the program coordinator, Ann Caroline Dodd (ext. 4-1709
or email as soon as possible with the following
1. Proposed Title for Seminar
2. Course Description (2-4 lines)
3. Time
4. Location
Due to the late addition of this program to the Winter schedule and the
impending deadline, faculty interested in offering 9-11 related
seminars must arrange for space on their own or with their department.
Depending on the interest, we may need to impose a limit on the number
of seminars we can offer.
UCLA was quick off the mark in developing a series. In general
enrollments were strong but, interestingly, were much weaker in seminars
related to the psychological issues of adjustment to the changing
situation than on other topics.
For your inspiration, below is a list of a few of the 9-11 topics being
offered at UCLA and the departments with which they are associated.
*Understanding the Taliban- Geography
*Understanding the Unthinkable and Incomprehensible-History
*Honor & Shame and the Clash of Civilizations- History
*Bin Laden and Terrorism outside the US: The Case of Uzbekistan-Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
*Navigating Between Blithesome Optimism and Cultural Despair-Art History
*Information Technology and Infrastructure in Times of Crisis-Sociology
*Making Sense of the New World Disorder-Sociology
*Fictions of Terror vs. Real Terror-English
*National Security in the 21st Century-Policy Studies
*War, Terror and Violence: Reflecting on Machiavelli-History and Philosophy
*Implications of World Crisis for Student Stress and Academic Achievement: Coping Strategies-Higher Education
*Culture and the Deferral of Violence-French and Francophone Studies
*America as Hyper power-Political Science
*An 'East' and a 'West'? Thinking about the "Clash of Civilizations"-
*The Search for Identity? Insurgent Islam and the Response of the West-
the Sudanese Case- Anthropology and Geography
*Psychological Perspectives: Anxiety, Stress, and Depression-
Psychology (Clinical)
*"The Map of Love", an Exploration of Islam and the Colonial Experience through a Novel by Egyptian Writer Adhaf Soueif-Comparative Literature
*Terrorism and Politics of Knowledge-History
*Understanding, Respecting and Honoring the First Amendment in a Terrorist Environment-Law
*September 11: Reflections on Terrorism, its Origins and Consequences-History
*Silence, Slogans, and Flags-Writing Programs
*Terror and the Dilemmas of American Power-History
*Biological and Chemical Weapons: Assessing the Terrorist Threat-
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
*Responses to National and Personal Tragedies in the Bible (Prophets and Psalms)-Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
*Justice and War: The Ethics of International Conflicts-Policy Studies
*"Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War"-Medicine
*What the U.S. should do to Be Popular in the Third World-Economics
*International English-Language Newspaper Coverage-French and Francophone Studies
*Echoes of Terror in Brain, Mind, and Literature-English
*The Role of Art and Technology in Times of War-Design/Media
*Perspectives on War and Terror thereto-through Theatre, Art and Music-Theater
*Poetry and Loss-English
*At War with the Afghans and Chechens: The Russian Experience-Slavic Languages and Literature
David K. Jordan
Professor of Anthropology &
Provost, Earl Warren College