University of California, San Diego


October 25, 2001


SUBJECT:  UCSD Staff Association Catastrophic Leave Donor ID Program

This Notice is provided to invite members of the UCSD community to participate in the Staff Association's Catastrophic Leave Donor ID Program.

In 1996, the Staff Association and the Human Resources Department collaborated on the development of a confidential list of potential donors to support the UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program (CLDP). The Staff Association's Donor ID Program is completely voluntary, confidential, and is open to all members of the campus community who are eligible to earn and use vacation.

The UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program has been developed to permit salary and benefit continuation for an eligible employee who has exhausted all paid leave due to serious illness or injury, or to care for a seriously ill member of the employee's family or household. Subject to the stated eligibility requirements, salary and benefit continuation is achieved through donations of vacation leave hours from the eligible employee's colleagues. The Human Resources Department Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life Division administers the Program.

Following consultation with the Human Resources Department Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life Division, a recipient's supervisor may contact the Staff Association's Catastrophic Leave Donor's List Coordinator to request the names of potential donors. The Staff Association's confidential list of prospective donors is made available only to a recipient's supervisor (or the supervisor's designee). The process also includes written correspondence to prospective donors when an eligible recipient needs support through the donation of vacation hours. A donor is not required to donate hours with each request, but may remain on the list to be contacted at some future date.

To participate in the UCSD Staff Association Donor ID Program, please provide the following information to Andrina Marshall, UCSD Staff Association Catastrophic Leave Donor ID Program Coordinator at amarshall@ucsd.edu or through campus mail at Mail Code 0835:

Payroll Title
Mail Code
Vice Chancellor Area
Telephone Number (including area code)
Electronic Address

Registration for the Staff Association Donor ID Program is for one year, November 1 through October 31. Participants may request to be added or removed from the ID Program at any time. After one year, prospective donors may be contacted regarding renewal.

"How To Apply For Catastrophic Leave," an online step-by-step process is accessible on Blink at:

The UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Implementing Procedures/43 Leave of Absence is accessible at:
or by contacting the Human Resources Department Policy Development Quality of Work/Life Division at (858) 534-9659 or jcraig@ucsd.edu.

Your support of the UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program is sincerely appreciated.

                                                Andrina Marshall
                                                UCSD Staff Association
                                                Donor ID Program