University of California, San Diego


November 20, 2001


SUBJECT:  How to Use Library Electronic Resources While You're
                     Away from Campus

NEWSFLASH: Check this out before you go home for Thanksgiving

You Can Use Online Library Resources While You're Away!

You just finished Thanksgiving dinner with your family, and you need to work on your big paper due next week. You need full-text articles on your topic but can't access them from your mom's computer.

Most electronic journals, electronic books and databases, including material in electronic reserves, are restricted to UCSD faculty, staff, and students. If you are accessing library materials from off-campus and not using UCSD as your Internet service provider, you need to use the UCSD Proxy Server in order to be authenticated as a UCSD user.

Using the Proxy Server is easy. First, configure your web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) according to the instructions located at http://www-ono.ucsd.edu/documentation/application/squid/. The instructions differ slightly depending on the type of personal computer and web browser software you have. Second, you will be asked to enter your UCSD Network username and password once per session. Your username and password may or may not be the same as for your email account. They are not the same as your StudentLink PID and PAC! If you are unsure what your username and password are, contact Network Operations at userserv@ucsd.edu or (858) 534-1857 or visit their web site at http://www-no.ucsd.edu/services/netusername.html It's that easy.

Another way to use licensed resources from off-campus is to sign up for a dial-up account from UCSD Network Operations. Dial-up accounts are available at a variety of rates. For more information about dial-up accounts, contact Network Operations at dialinservice@ucsd.edu or (858) 822-2900 or consult their website at http://www-no.ucsd.edu/dialinfo/dialinfo.html.

Now that you can easily get to the library resources you need, get back to work on your paper!

                                                Brian E. C. Schottlaender
                                                University Librarian