UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
March 27, 2001
SUBJECT: Task Force on Gender Equity I am pleased to announce that a task force has been established to conduct a study of gender equity among UCSD ladder rank faculty. While this review will focus on ladder rank faculty, other series may be reviewed in the future. The task force will examine and analyze data related to issues of salary compensation, recruitment, and retention. The issues involved are extremely important and have generated serious discussion and study at many institutions of higher education in this country. There are some perceptions that women in academe generally are not treated equitably with men. We hope this is not the case at UCSD, but if it is, we wish to take steps to remedy the situation as soon as possible. The task force will be addressing issues that are vital to all members of the University community and to the position of UCSD as a higher education leader. The following members have agreed to serve as the task force:
Vice Chancellor and Dean Richard Attiyeh The task force will solicit input from members of the campus community. I have asked that the task force submit its report by the end of Spring Quarter.