UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
POLICY MANUAL HOLDERS (including UCSD Healthcare)
SUBJECT: Implementation of the Revised UC Personnel Policies for The following UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members (UCPPSM) have been revised. The revisions are the result of informal and formal reviews, and are effective January 1, 2001.
I. POLICY 3/TYPES OF APPOINTMENT CAREER APPOINTMENT - This section of Policy 3 now states that, "A limited appointment shall be designated as a career appointment when the incumbent has attained 1,000 hours of qualifying service in any 12 consecutive months without a break in service of at least 120 consecutive calendar days. Qualifying service includes all time on pay status in one or more limited appointments. On-call and overtime hours shall not be included as pay status hours when computing qualifying service. Such career designation shall be effective the first of the month following attainment of 1,000 hours of qualifying service." FLOATER APPOINTMENT - A category to define floater appointments has been added to Policy 3. Floater appointments are reserved for use in temporary employment pools [at UCSD this is the Human Resources Department's Temporary Employment Services/TES]. Floater appointments may be established at any percent of full time for up to two-years duration. A subsequent two-year floater appointment may be established after a break in service of at least 120 consecutive calendar days. Employees holding floater appointments may be scheduled to work or not, as determined by the University. [Note: The TES Financial Temporary Floaters are career employees in the Human Resources Department and are not subject to the floater appointment requirements.] LIMITED APPOINTMENT - A limited appointment category has been added to Policy 3. These appointments may be established at any percentage of time, fixed or variable, during which employees are expected to be on pay status for less than 1,000 hours in a twelve-month period. The definitions for Casual/Restricted, Per Diem, Contract and Partial-Year appointments, which are included in Policy 3/Types of Appointments, have not changed.
II. POLICY 22/PROBATIONARY PERIOD Section B of Policy 22 B/Probationary Period has been revised to state that, "An employee who is required to serve a probationary period and who has worked in a limited appointment immediately preceding the career appointment, shall have up to 1,000-hours on pay status, exclusive of on-call and overtime hours, credited toward completion of the probationary period, provided that the credited time was served in the same position and with the same supervisor that the employee had immediately prior to the career appointment."
MEMBERS (UCPPSM) 20/Recruitment http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/spp20.html 24/Per Diem http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/spp24.html 30/Salary http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/spp30.html 41/Vacation http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/spp41.html 43/Leave of Absence http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/spp43.html
60/Layoff and Reduction in Time from Professional and Support Staff
Career Positions
61/Release During the Probationary Period or From Limited,
Casual/Restricted, and Floater Appointments
64/Termination of Career Employees-Professional and Support Staff
65/Termination of Career Employees-Managers and Senior Professionals,
Salary Grades I Through VII
67/Termination of Career Employees-Managers and Senior Professionals,
Salary Grades VIII Through IX
80/Staff Personnel Records
81/Reasonable Accommodation Each of these Personnel Policies may be reviewed on the UC Office of the President website at: http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/ and on the UCSD Blink website at: http://blink.ucsd.edu/go/ucppsm Policy Manual Holders should print and file the revised Policies in their UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members Manual, and update the Table of Contents accordingly. Inquiries regarding the Policies may be directed to Jonnie Craig-Winston, Director of Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life, at jcraig@ucsd.edu or (858) 534-9659.