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UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
HUMAN RESOURCES August 3, 2001
SUBJECT: Implementation of the Revised UCSD Implementing Effective January 1, 2001, the University implemented Limited Appointment Policies. A limited appointment (formerly casual) may be established at any percentage of time, fixed or variable, for a period of less than 1,000 hours in any 12-month period. The University's Limited Appointment Policies affected some of the conditions of employment in UCSD Implementing Procedures 20/Recruitment. Therefore, Procedures 20/Recruitment has been revised. The revisions are the result of a campuswide review process, are effective January 1, 2001, and include the following: SECTION II/POLICY - The Policy statement in Section II now clarifies the intent of internal and external recruitment of applicants, and states that, "... conversion of limited appointed employees to career status must be in keeping with the University's equal opportunity and affirmative action goals and objectives." SECTION III/DEFINITION OF TERMS - This Section defines Break in Service, Career Appointment, Limited Appointment, Floater Appointment, and Hours on Pay Status. SECTION IV/RECRUITMENT PROCEDURES - The first paragraph in Subsection C/Posting the Vacancy states that, "All vacant positions must be posted with the Human Resources Staffing Units." SECTION VI/NON-RECRUITMENT UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES - Subsection B.1/Recruitment Exceptions explains the intent of 40 Percent or Less Appointments, which may be fixed or variable with an expected duration of twelve months or less, and shall not exceed 875 hours on pay status. Subsection B.2/Extension of 40 Percent or Less Appointments states that, "Extension of a 40 percent or less appointment must be reviewed and approved by the Human Resources Department Records Unit." Subsection B.3/150 Calendar Days or Less Appointments states that, "These appointments may be established for any percent of time, fixed or variable, with an expected duration of 150 calendar days or less. All positions over 40 percent with appointment periods greater than 150 calendar days must be posted with the Human Resources Department Staffing Units, with the exception of appointments to be filled through the Job Opportunities Program (JOP). Hours on pay status shall not exceed 875 creditable straight time hours towards the 1,000 hours required for conversion from limited to career status." {PLEASE NOTE: UCSD Implementing Procedures 36/Classification of Positions is being revised and will include the following statement: Job Descriptions are required for appointments exceeding 150 calendar days, regardless of percentage of time. Job Descriptions are also required for positions that are less than 150 calendar days when filled through an open recruitment process.} SECTION VI/WAIVERS TO RECRUITMENT - The wording "and cannot be found in a reasonable recruitment effort" has been blended into sentence one in Subsection VII/A.1/- Unique Skills and Talents. Item 2/Recruitment Difficulties in Subsection VII.A and Subsection B/Special Appointment Conditions have been deleted, and the two items previously included in this Section have been blended into Subsection A/Unique Skills and Talents. Item 3 in Subsection VII.A is now item 2 and titled, "Special Academic Appointment," and states that, "Circumstances where the appointment of a new academic member includes the transfer to UCSD of the academic appointee's current employee(s) who possess unique skills and knowledge." Item 4 in Subsections VII.A is now item 3 and titled, "Transfer of Entity or Programs." The explanation has not changed.
UCSD Implementing Procedures 20/Recruitment is accessible at: Policy Manual Holders should print and file the UC Policy 20/Recruitment and the UCSD Implementing Procedures 20/Recruitment in their UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members (UCPPSM) Manual, and update the Table of Contents accordingly. Inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to Jonnie Craig-Winston, Director of Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life, at jcraig@ucsd.edu or (858) 534-9659.