UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
MEDIA SERVICES September 27, 2001
SUBJECT: General Campus Academic Department Classroom The Senior Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs will fund 80% of a general campus academic department's classroom technology services and the department will only be billed for 20% of the actual cost. This subsidy will be applied directly to up-front costs and extended for the full academic year. The net effect will be an increase in support for departments. As in the past, late charges, non-academic support, and support to units outside the general campus will not be covered by the subsidy. Faculty members will receive a copy of the cost estimate in the email that confirms their order. This change is designed to give the faculty member a clear understanding of the costs incurred by a department for classroom A/V support. Below is a list of our most popular equipment and services and the rates for subsidized classes:
EQUIPMENT/SERVICE: ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT If you have questions please call X44533 or send email to sgeorge@ucsd.edu.