University of California, San Diego


January 30, 2003


SUBJECT:  Maintaining Excellence: Staff Retention and Support

The challenges brought on by the state's fiscal crisis continue to test our ingenuity and adaptability. But one thing remains constant here at UCSD: The surest course for maintaining excellence lies in the development and sustenance of an environment in which staff members are not only allowed to succeed in their jobs, but also to grow as individuals and achieve their professional aspirations. In this spirit of maintaining excellence, the Staff Retention and Support Steering Committee (SRSSC) initiatives offer a concrete agenda for investment in people at UCSD.

The SRSSC, commissioned to review staff-related issues through an analysis of campus climate studies and provide specific action plans, established 63 initiatives in January 2002 to help foster the finest work environment for the UCSD community. In the months ahead, you will receive several SRSSC communiqués designed to keep you informed on the implementation of the Committee's recommendations. To launch this SRSSC communication effort, we are pleased to report that the Human Resources Department, in partnership with academic and service departments throughout the campus, has made marked progress on the SRSSC initiatives to:

* IMPROVE JOB-SEEKING, PROMOTIONAL, AND TRANSFER OPPORTUNITIES: web-based applicant toolkit; staff skill bank; establishment of promotional pools

* PROVIDE ACCESS AND SUPPORT FOR TRAINING AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT: targeted e-mails to new employees and hiring supervisors for tailored professional development programs and services; web-based modules for self-paced, campus-specific training

* STREAMLINE HIRING, RECLASSIFICATION PROCESS: Web-based job description form and supplements; online job description library; job description review tracking system and e-mail notification

* LAUNCH COST-EFFECTIVE RECRUITING CAMPAIGN: "Make an Educated Choice" ads on radio stations, kiosks, buses, and elsewhere in the community

To find out how the SRSSC initiatives may help you in your career with UCSD, click on the following link:


Our campus, in particular, has a track record of weathering financial crises and achieving greater results through a refocusing of direction, a renewed spirit and commitment to leadership, and a sound application of appropriate resources. The SRSSC initiatives will help us continue our legacy of success.

                                                Robert C. Dynes