UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
SUBJECT: Revised PPM 380-6 Budget Administration of State Employee Attached is a revised PPM 380-6, Budget Administration of State Employee Benefits Program, effective March 1, 2003. PPM 380-6 sets policy and procedure for the establishment and administration of the State funded employee benefits program budget. The purpose of the State funded employee benefits program is to ensure that sufficient campus funds are budgeted to cover the on-going employee benefits costs associated with State funded eligible salary that is budgeted on State General Funds. Non-budgeted salary activity was previously minimal and not addressed by this policy. The primary change in this issuance includes policy as it relates to non-budgeted salary activity. For all employee benefit costs incurred as a result of payroll from non-budgeted temporary salary activity, departments are responsible for providing benefits funding to the central benefits program. Other policy and procedural modifications include handling of FTE position adjustments and management of departmental employee benefits ledger activity.
Please access the complete PPM at the following address for details: Questions regarding this revised policy should be referred to Maureen Kearns-Bartel at Ext. 2-1881 in the Campus Budget Office.