University of California, San Diego


March 17, 2003

ALL ACADEMICS AND STAFF AT UCSD (including Healthcare)

SUBJECT:  UCSD Announces $1 Billion Campaign; Receives Largest Gift in
                     Campus History

It is my pleasure to announce that UCSD is publicly launching a $1 billion fund-raising initiative, The Campaign for UCSD: Imagine What's Next, the largest campaign in the history of San Diego and UCSD. We also are announcing today that UCSD has received the largest gift in its history. Our longtime friends, Dr. Irwin and Joan Jacobs, have made an extraordinarily generous gift of $110 million to the Jacobs School of Engineering, and their contribution will enable this young School to sustain and enhance its national leadership in engineering education and research. The gift is especially meaningful to the UCSD community because it comes from a founding faculty member. Dr. Jacobs helped establish and shape our Engineering program, and he and Joan were instrumental in recruiting and welcoming many other founding faculty members to UCSD.

We also are very pleased to announce that -- through the efforts of our faculty, staff and administration, and thanks to the generosity of our many friends -- The Campaign for UCSD has raised $445.3 million dollars during its "quiet phase," which began in July 2000. This landmark Campaign will enable UCSD to maintain its position at the forefront of academic and research excellence. The Campaign initiatives will support our outstanding students and faculty, enable us to expand our academic programs, and advance our research efforts. At the same time, the Campaign presents us with the opportunity to strengthen our ties with the community, engage larger numbers of alumni in the life of the university, and create a stronger national identity for UCSD.

You will soon receive an announcement about a March 25 all-campus celebration. Next week, the Campaign goals and initiatives will be described in more detail in a Special Edition of UCSD Times. In addition, the Campaign Web site (http://www.campaign.ucsd.edu) provides updated information, as does the attached news release.

I hope you share my excitement about this initiative and about what it means for our campus community, and I want to thank everyone who has worked to make this Campaign launch such a great success.

                                                Robert C. Dynes