UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
August 13, 2003
SUBJECT: Revised and New CEP Policies The Committee on Educational Policy calls your attention to a number of revised or new educational policies adopted during the 2002-03 academic year.
* Policy Regulating the Appointment of Graduate Students as
Associates-In to Teach Undergraduate Upper-Division Courses [revised and effective Fall 2003] * Nondiscrimination in Course Prerequisites and Course Descriptions http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/committees/cep/policychanges/nondisPrereqDesc.htm
* Policies on Final Examinations
* Policy Regarding Course Equivalency, Overlap and Duplication of Credit [effective immediately] These, other policies and, the San Diego Regulations of the Academic Senate can be found on the CEP Academic Senate web page http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/epg.htm