UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS August 27, 2003
SUBJECT: Proposed Revised Academic Personnel The University invites comments to proposed revisions to Academic Personnel Policy 010, Academic Freedom. The current statement on academic freedom was issued by President Robert G. Sproul in 1934, adopted as University Regulation No. 5 in 1944, and subsequently incorporated into the Academic Personnel Manual as APM - 010. There have been no changes to it in 59 years. Proposed revised APM - 010 would supersede existing APM - 010, which is University Regulation No. 5.
The proposed policy is available at the following website This is a formal review of the above policy. If you have comments or questions, please contact Kristi Petruzzelli at kpetruzzelli@ucsd.edu no later than September 15, 2003.