UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
January 14, 2005
I write to encourage your attendance at the inauguration of Marye Anne Fox as the seventh Chancellor of UCSD on Thursday, March 3, at 10:00 a.m. in the RIMAC Arena. I would especially urge you to participate in the academic procession. The inauguration promises to be an inspiring event, and history has shown that these ceremonies do not occur frequently on our campus. I hope you will be present and that you will march in the academic procession to help demonstrate the UCSD faculty's strong support for our new chancellor and the future of our campus. The inaugural invitation will be sent in a few weeks, but we would like you to click on the website below to submit your order to the UCSD Bookstore for your regalia. Also listed below is the information you will need when submitting your request. There is a limited amount of time in order to ensure your regalia will be received in sufficient time, so we ask that you respond by January 24th. If you have any questions, please call the Office of Special Events and Protocol at x-21773. I look forward to seeing all of you on March 3.
UCSD Bookstore Website to order Regalia: http://bookstore.ucsd.edu/friends/cag/index4.htm Information Needed:
Cap/hat size (inches):______