January 31, 2005
The Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS)
announces a competition for grants in three categories:
* Research Conference
* Faculty Research Planning Grants
* Student Travel Grants
IICAS grants are directed primarily to students and faculty in the
social sciences and humanities. Supported research should be *about*
other societies rather than simply conducted *in* other societies. Applications from fields outside the social sciences and humanities may
be eligible if they deal with global issues, cross-national comparisons,
or research on particular societies and also have a substantial human
dimension. Strong implications for public policy or human ecology are
examples of such a dimension.
Submission of Proposals
Submit four (4) copies of complete proposal package no later than 4:30 PM on March 14, 2005.
Mailing address for proposals in all categories:
ATTN: Diana Wilder
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0539
For hand delivery, please see our website at for directions.
Notification and Acceptance
Results for all award categories will be announced in mid-April. Initial
notifications will be sent by email. Notice of acceptance must be
received no later than June 1, 2005. Failure to notify IICAS of intent
to accept the award by this date will result in forfeiture of the award.
Disposition of Proposals
All materials submitted for this competition become the property of
IICAS. IICAS assumes no responsibility for retaining or returning
materials submitted for this competition.
Reporting Requirements
Recipients must agree to acknowledge assistance from IICAS in any
thesis, publication, or other product that results from IICAS-supported
research. Each award receipient must also submit a brief report on the
use of the grant.
Please direct all questions to IICAS' Business Officer, Diana Wilder
(Tel.: 858-822-1131, E-mail:
Maximum grant: $15,000
Applications are invited for support of a research conference in
international, comparative, or cross-regional studies. The conference
must take place be held in AY 2005-2006.
Criteria for Selection
* An interdisciplinary, inter-divisional and/or comparative subject.
(Cross-regional projects are particularly encouraged; multi-country
comparative projects also satisfy this criterion.)
* Intellectual originality and breadth
* Number of faculty and graduate student participants at UCSD
* Clear plan for a publishable research product
* Supplementary funding obtained or sought from UCSD and external sources
Proposal Format
* Statement of purpose
* Faculty participants, including brief biographical information
* Project plan (a timeline for conference and related activities)
* Itemized budget
* Designated Principal Investigator(s)
* 2,000 word Mmaximum length: 2,000 words
Maximum Grant: $5,000
IICAS Faculty Research Grants support the research and research planning
activities of faculty teams whose intellectual interests promise to
produce significant collaborative projects. These grants provide
intellectual venture capital to encourage new links among investigators
and to launch projects that will attract extramural funding. Project
funds may be used for research workshops and small conferences, research
group meetings, a seminar series linked to a prospective research group,
and other activities essential to projects that satisfy the criteria
given above. IICAS grants will not be made for individual research.
Criteria for Selection
* An interdisciplinary, inter-divisional and/or comparative subject.
(Cross-regional projects are particularly encouraged; multi-country
comparative projects also satisfy this criterion.)
* Intellectual originality and breadth
* Number of faculty and graduate student participants at UCSD
* Clear plan for a publishable research result
* Supplementary funding obtained or sought from UCSD and external sources
* Potential for extramural funding
Proposal Format
* Statement of purpose
* Faculty participants, including brief biographical information
* Project plan (a timeline for activities)
* Itemized budget
* Designated Principal Investigator(s)
* 2,000 word max
The Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS)
announces a competition for travel grants to support graduate student
dissertation research in international, comparative, and area studies.
IICAS grants are directed primarily to students in the social sciences
and humanities. Supported research should be *about* other societies
rather than simply conducted *in* other societies. Applications from
fields outside the social sciences and humanities may be eligible if
they deal with global issues, cross-national comparisons, or research on
particular societies and also have a substantial human or societal
dimension. Strong implications for public policy or human ecology are
examples of such a dimension.
Awards will be made for travel between April 2005 and June 2006. Awards
will not exceed $2,000. The awards may be used to cover travel expenses
incurred in the U.S. or abroad.
All registered UCSD graduate students.
Proposal Format (submit in the following order):
1. Travel Grant Cover Sheet (see:
2. one-page budget estimate
3. project description or conference paper proposal (no more than 750
words), including timetable or itinerary and other sources of financial support for which application has been made
4. resume or curriculum vitae
5. letter of endorsement from a UCSD faculty member familiar with the student's work
6. UCSD transcript (an unofficial version is acceptable)
Human Subjects
To assist applicants seeking Human Subjects approval, a free Human
Subjects Review Session will be held February 15, 2005 from 10 -11:00
a.m. in the Crumb Family Reading Room, Gildred Latin American Studies
Building. This session is sponsored by the Center for Iberian and Latin
American Studies.
The Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS)
announces a competition for travel grants to support senior honors
thesis research by undergraduates in international, comparative, and
area studies. IICAS grants are directed primarily to students in the
social sciences and humanities. Supported research should be *about*
other societies rather than simply conducted *in* other societies. Applications from fields outside the social sciences and humanities may
be eligible if they deal with global issues, cross-national comparisons,
or research on particular societies and also have a substantial human or
societal dimension. Strong implications for public policy or human
ecology are examples of such a dimension.
Awards will be made for travel between April 2005 ¬ June 2006. Awards
will not exceed $1,000. The awards may be used for travel expenses
incurred in the U.S. or abroad.
All registered UCSD undergraduates.
Proposal Format (submit in the following order):
1. Travel Grant Cover Sheet (see:
2. one-page budget estimate
3. description of thesis project or conference to be attended (no more
than 750 words), including timetable or itinerary and other sources of financial support for which application has been made
4. resume or curriculum vitae
5. letter of endorsement from a UCSD faculty member familiar with the student's work
6. UCSD transcript (an unofficial version is acceptable)
Human Subjects
To assist applicants seeking Human Subjects approval, a free Human
Subjects Review Session will be held February 15, 2005 from 10-11:00
a.m. in the Crumb Family Reading Room, Gildred Latin American Studies
Building. This session is sponsored by the Center for Iberian and Latin
American Studies.
Miles Kahler
Institute for International, Comparative
and Area Studies (IICAS) |