UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
November 13, 2007
Dear Colleagues: Our University, the Office of the President newsletter for UC faculty and staff, is available at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/ouruniversity/11_07/ This edition features: - From field to families: UC's efforts to curb outbreaks of agricultural contamination - the natural and the terrorist kind. - Interview with Academic Senate Chair Michael Brown: Are UC faculty ready for the challenges ahead? - Featured Campus: UCLA - More news including: IT accessibility initiative, tips for holiday eating and labor relations update. A printer-friendly link is now featured under the newsletter's date in the upper-left corner. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to print out and post this text-only version - also available for download at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/ouruniversity/11_07/ouruniversity1107.pdf for employees who do not have ready access to a computer at work. If you have questions regarding the Our University newsletter, please send your reply to communications@ucop.edu