November 13, 2007
SUBJECT: | Non-Senate Salaries |
The University of California has issued new academic salary scales,
effective October 1, 2007 for non-Senate academic employees. The scales
are available online at
The new scales reflect cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) and market
adjustments (for select titles) recently approved by the UC Regents.
The resulting salary increases will be effective retroactively to
October 1, 2007, and the increases should be reflected in the December
The following salary scales have been increased by 3.2%, reflecting a
2.5% COLA plus a 0.7% market adjustment:
Academic Administrator
Academic Coordinator
Academic Standard Table of Pay Rates
Continuing Educator
Coordinator of Public Programs
Intern, Resident
Professional Research (Research Scientist) series:
The scales mirror the COLA and market adjustments applied to the
ladder-rank faculty salary scales. The Professional Research scales
show a range from the guaranteed 2.5% COLA to the full amount of the
combined COLA plus market adjustment. As Research Scientists are
primarily grant funded, existing research grants may not be able to
immediately absorb these salary increases. The University is therefore
allowing flexibility in the implementation of these new scales for
Research Scientists.
Research Scientists will receive the 2.5% COLA, effective retroactively
to October 1, 2007. For those individuals whose extramural funding can
absorb the market adjustments immediately, the salaries will be
increased to the new market-adjusted rates retroactively to October 1,
2007. Individuals whose research grants are unable to absorb the full
market adjustment at this time will be allowed to transition to the new
market-adjusted rate, pending the availability of funding, at any time
prior to September 30, 2008, after which their salaries must be
increased to the market-adjusted rate. The October 1, 2007
market-adjusted rates will be used for new appointments to this series.
Project Scientists series (excluding those on the B/E/E scale):
Salaries will be increased to reflect a 2.5% COLA. The UCSD Project
Scientist salary scale is currently under review.
Project Scientists - Business/Economics/Engineering (B/E/E):
The scale has been increased by 3.2%, reflecting a 2.5% COLA plus a 0.7%
market adjustment. Individuals in this series at UCSD have historically
been paid on the UC-wide Project Scientist Business/Management/
Engineering salary scale. The scale has been renamed to Project Scientist - Business/Economics/Engineering, effective October 1, 2007.
Unit 18 Lecturer titles:
In accordance with the agreement between the AFT and the University of
California, the minimum salary rates have been increased to $42,074, for
pre-six year lecturers and $47,603 for post-six year lecturers. In
addition, the salary scale for Unit 18 Lecturer titles has been adjusted
to reflect a minimum increase of 3%. The increments between steps have
been standardized to 2.5%, resulting in a total salary increase of more
than 3% for most steps and a reduction in the number of increments on
the scale.
Unit 18 Supervisors of Teacher Education:
Salary scales have been increased by a flat 3%.
Faculty Fellow Researcher:
The Faculty Fellow Researcher scale is tied to the Non-Senate
Instructional (NSI) Unit 18 Academic Standard Table of Pay Rates. The
minimum salary rate has been increased to $42,074. The salary scale has
been adjusted to reflect a minimum increase of 3%. The increments
between steps have been standardized to 2.5%, resulting in a total
salary increase of more than 3% for most steps and a reduction in the
number of increments on the scale.
Postdoctoral Scholar:
The minimum salary rate has been increased to $33,828. This salary
includes the 2.5% COLA and market portion of the increase that was
granted to postdoctoral scholars to become effective on October 1, 2007,
as part of a three-year plan for UC to increase postdoctoral scholar
salaries to the minimum salary level established by NIH. The maximum
salary for Postdoctoral Scholars has been increased by 3.2%, reflecting
a 2.5% COLA plus a 0.7% market adjustment.
Postgraduate Research (non-student):
The minimum salary rate has been increased to $33,828. Other steps on
the scale have been increased by 3.2%, reflecting a 2.5% COLA plus a
0.7% market adjustment.
Resident Physician:
The scale remains unchanged from July 1, 2007, when the scale was
increased for market and COLA considerations in 2007-08.
Academic Student Employees (ASE):
In accordance with the agreement between the UAW and the University of
California, the salary scales have been adjusted to reflect a 5%
increase. In addition, salary rates for other student teaching titles
managed by the Office of Graduate Studies have been increased by 5%.
Graduate Student Researchers:
The salary scales have been adjusted to reflect a 5% increase.
Above Scale and Off-Scale Salaries (in eligible series):
In general, the 2.5% COLA will be applied to above-scale salaries and
market off-scale salaries not due to be tapered. For more detailed
information regarding above-scale and off-scale salaries, please refer
to the UC Salary Program campus notice sent to all academics on November
2, 2007:
In closing, I wish to reiterate that the provisions above reflect only
the first year of a potential four-year plan for salary increases. Assuming funding is available, salaries will be further increased in the
following three years.
Paul W. Drake
Senior Vice Chancellor -
Academic Affairs |