UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
November 20, 2007
Dear Colleagues: As you know, November 1-27 is the Open Enrollment period for making changes to your health plan and other benefits. There have been substantial changes in the menu of health plans offered in the UC system: HMOs have been consolidated, and there is a new medical plan. The details are explained on the At Your Service website (http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/open_enrollment/index.html) and in the Open Enrollment booklet and supplementary postcard we received by mail. The UCLA Committee on Faculty Welfare has distributed to its faculty a memo highlighting the most important of these changes; we have posted that memo on the San Diego Senate website: http://senate.ucsd.edu/FrontPageDocs/UCLAOpenEnrollment/UCLANotice.pdf In addition, you may find useful a discussion of the differences between the Blue Cross and CIGNA medical plans at Professor Rick Kronick's website (http://www.kronick.ucsd.edu). Rick is the Vice-Chair of the Health Care Task Force.