UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
August 24, 2007
I am pleased to announce that Analytical Studies and Space Planning (ASSP) has changed its name to Institutional Research. Under the Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Planning, this office is responsible for providing information pertaining to long-range enrollment and space planning, instructional workload, classroom and class laboratory utilization, and FacilitiesLink. In addition, the office carries out special studies and surveys, and acts as the campus liaison to the AAU Data Exchange. The new name is consistent with those used at other campuses and is intended to provide the UCSD community, other universities, and the general public with a better sense of the breadth of institutional studies conducted by this office. The names and key responsibilities of Institutional Research staff follow.
Allison Bell
Kirk Belles
Janet Whitfield
Matthew Xavier Website: http://ir.ucsd.edu If you should have any questions, please contact Veendah McCunney at mmccunney@ucsd.edu or at ext. 40106.