UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California San Diego |
STUDENT LIFE January 15, 2008
Support Triton Spirit Week, January 22 - 25, by decorating the lobby entrance, entrance door and windows of your department workplace and win up to $250.00 in prizes for your department. The first twenty departments to sign up receive a free decoration kit with washable window paint, streamers, balloons, and other supplies. Judging takes place on Tuesday, January 22, 2008. The decorations of the winning departments will be selected based on their creativity, Triton spirit, and how they communicate the purpose of their department. Visit this website for more details and to sign up. http://as.ucsd.edu/contest/office_decoration_contest.php The contest is sponsored by Associated Students, Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs, and the University Centers. For more information call (858) 534-1611.