UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
October 23, 2008
Dear Colleagues: The Committee on Faculty Welfare conducted an anonymous survey of faculty concerning their experiences with health insurance plans and medical providers. The Committee felt that it would be helpful for faculty to learn about how these plans operated in a local context. This information may assist faculty as they evaluate other information to make decisions about health care during the open enrollment period.
A survey was designed The survey results can be found at the following link: http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/FrontPageDocs/CFW/SR.pdf In analyzing data regarding health insurance carriers (Table 1), we decided not to provide data on the experience with Cigna, since there were only two responses regarding this plan. We also surveyed faculty concerning their experience with health care providers. Some emeritus faculty provided data on out of town practices, and those data are not tabulated. Similarly, a small number of faculty received their care from individual practitioner offices and those data are not tabulated. Table 2 provides data where there were responses from at least 3 faculty members. We hope this information will be helpful.