University of California, San Diego


April 4, 2008

ALL AT UCSD (including UCSD Medical Center)

SUBJECT:    No Price Increase for Monthly Parking Permit Fees for 2008/2009

For the first time in over a decade, we are pleased to announce that monthly parking permit fees will not increase for faculty, staff, and students for the upcoming 2008/2009 academic year. Through the efforts of the Transportation and Parking Services department and the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC), alternative ways to meet our transportation needs have precluded the need for an increase in parking permit fees.

Throughout January, the UC San Diego community participated in discussions regarding the future direction of transportation on campus. After extensive consultation, the TPC, a representative group of UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students that are advisory to the Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs, voted unanimously to recommend adopting less capital intensive and more sustainable transportation solutions.

Specifically, the recommendations included:

* Reallocating parking spaces

* Introducing a regional transit pass

* Encouraging non-motorized transportation

* Providing incentives to change peak load demands

* Improving bicycle safety and accessibility

* Evaluating night lighting throughout campus to improve pedestrian safety

With your assistance and dedication to sustainability, UC San Diego will continue to be a national leader in sustainable transportation.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at bdautremont@ucsd.edu.

Brian d'Autremont
Transportation and Parking Services