October 5, 2009
Dear Colleagues: Three times a quarter there still is a free lunch, but you need to reply to this announcement to attend the first one on October 19th. That will be the first presentation in the 2009-2010 Pat Ledden Memorial Faculty Luncheon series, at which faculty speak in general terms about their work. This series, named after the late Provost of Muir College, provides an opportunity for us to meet each other across disciplines and departmental boundaries, to share ideas, and to learn about scholarly activities on campus outside our own circumscribed areas of expertise. Attendees routinely remark that these luncheon programs provide a most enjoyable way to feel that they are actually at a major university rather than a specialized research institute. We meet at the Faculty Club at noon, roughly monthly during the academic year. Thanks to the Chancellor's support, there is no charge. Following lunch (12:00 to 12:25 p.m.), we have a talk and a discussion period, adjourning by 1:15 pm. Each luncheon is advertized separately by email and you must reply to attend each luncheon. Attendance is limited by budget and room size; only faculty members (active and emeritus) may attend, not spouses or friends. New members of the faculty will find that attending these lunches provides an excellent introduction to the broader UCSD academic community. The first luncheon, on October 19th, will feature Professors Bud Mehan (Sociology) and Cecil Lytle (Music), speaking on "School Reform is not for the Faint of Heart: a Brief History of UCSD's Involvement in School Reform in California." Subsequent programs this Fall will be: Friday, Nov. 6 - Lucila Ohno-Machado - Professor of Medicine and Chief of the new Division of Biomedical Informatics in the School of Medicine, speaking on "Biomedical Informatics: Transforming Healthcare and Science" Tuesday, Dec. 8- Bennetta Jules-Rosette - Professor of Sociology and Director of the Africa & African-American Studies Research Project, and an expert on minority artists in Paris between the wars, speaking on "Josephine Baker in Art and Life." We ask you to respond with an email to our coordinator, Pat Hansen (phansen@ucsd.edu), if: 1. You wish to attend the luncheon on October 19th (Respond with: "Yes for lunch" and include your name) 2. You wish to remain on the Ledden Luncheon mailing list (Respond with: "Yes, keep me on the list" and include your name) I hope to see you soon at one of these luncheons.