August 10, 2009
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) has recently announced the Triton Affiliations and Partners Program (TAPP), which provides access to a Petascale Data Access Facility (PDAF) and the Triton Compute Cluster, as described at http://research.ucsd.edu/documents/RCIDT/TritonTAPPSDSCServicesUCSD.pdf To facilitate use of the TAPP and to provide faculty members access to this valuable resource in these difficult budgetary times, the campus will make access to the TAPP free for campus researchers up to a limit that has been pre-paid by the campus's administration. Researchers interested in using TAPP may apply to the office of Associate Vice Chancellor Suresh Subramani (tapp-request@ucsd.edu) for allocation of free usage time on TAPP. A committee comprised of Professors Terry Gaasterland, Michael Holst, and Trey Ideker will make recommendations on the allocation of these resources to AVC Subramani and me. Please submit requests for the 2009-10 fiscal year by September 11, 2009.